View Full Version : Groin glands enlarged (male) HELP!

15-03-16, 17:13
Hi guys

Firstly, sorry in advance if this post has TMI :blush:

Over the weekend I noticed that I had a lump in my groin area. I have spent many years going crazy over lymph nodes, especially in my neck feeling them, going to the docs, calming down and then panicking again about alsorts of cancers, lymphoma etc so I know exactly where glands should be. In fact, I've become a bit of a gland enthusiast lol :wacko:

A day or so before, I've had terrible trouble with haemorrhoids. This isn't unusual for me as I've had them on and off in the past. This time though they really hurt and sting and have bled a bit which makes me wonder if this has caused some sort of infection which in turn has caused the lymph nodes to balloon. Would this be possible? I'm going to give it a week or so and see if everything returns to normal but until then I am freaking out a bit (whilst applying Savlon). God this is embarrassing!

Any advice to keep me sane would be gratefully appreciated. I almost went made last night googling as we do!

Thanks in advance :D:D:D:D