View Full Version : am i dreaming or not?

mrs anxious pants
15-03-16, 18:31
hi all
had anxiety for many years recently got diagnosed with ptsd after witnessing an incident a few months ago.
not been feeling myself for a while now due to stress and the other night whilst sleeping i became aware that i wasnt able to breath i just lay in my bed not moving then my stomache went tight everything went black and i bolted up with a gasp and heart racing.
i had to similar incidents where during sleep my nose became obstructed but i was able to tell myself to breath thru my mouth and one where i felt as tho i was choking but i told myself to swallow and again i was fine,
i visited a gp as i was afraid i would die in my sleep who just looked at me and said i dont no what to tell you before offering me a sleep study which i refused as this has not happened before,
im very confused as to weather this was all anxiety dreams or something real but why wouldnt i wake up? could anybody please shed any light on my situation?