View Full Version : Pancreatic Cancer

15-03-16, 19:20
I am terrified and in tears. Since last year I've sometimes experienced nagging pain under my upper rib cage of my left side when laying on that side. It comes and goes and recently it seemed to have come back. I was lifting weights last week, and I had a few pains in my chest and got really scared and stopped. Ever since then, laying on my left side causes that nagging pain. It seems to shoot down my arm and it feels like a numbness, tingleness, almost like a pinched nerve.

Of course I've googled and of course pancreatic cancer came to the top of my list. I am extremely worried I have it and it's causing horrible anxiety.

I'm a 22 y/o female who leads a pretty active life style. I workout 4 to 5 days a week with cardio 2 days and Pilates the rest. I also watch what I eat although I'm not perfect. I used to drink caffeine and then I stopped and then I began again but stopped recently because it messes up my sleep schedule. I don't drink alcohol. Only occasionally I'll have a glass of wine. I hate being tipsy.

I do experience acid reflux when stressed and when I eat lots of cheese or consume dairy.

I'm terrified currently and I can't stop thinking about the worst.


I had my chest x-ray done on Friday and today my doctor called me. He said the chest x-ray looked normal except that it looked like I had a small pocket of air under my ribs. Now, he didn't exactly say the name of whatever it is, but I googled around a bit for "trapped air in lungs, air in lungs" and Costochondritis came up. I'm not going to diagnose myself with it because he didn't mention this. He only said trapped air which he said should resolve itself on its own. He even mentioned that if he had me take another x-ray right now, it wouldn't be there anymore.

I'm still feeling the pain unfortunately and hopefully it resolves itself on its own. I have acid reflux with stress and acidic foods, so I am really trying to just relax right now.

15-03-16, 19:30
Firstly I have never ever heard of pancreatic cancer in anyone under 40. If you had pancreatic cancer the symptoms do not come and go and you would be very very obviously seriously ill within a few months, I have known 3 people with it and it was so obvious that they were very ill very quickly.

Most rib pain is often down to musculo/skeletal problems as we have such alot of muscles and tendons and cartlidge in that area and even a problem in your neck can give referred pain and put stress on your rib area. Could this be an explanation for your pain - you have irritated some soft tissue with your exercise regime?

15-03-16, 19:37
Firstly I have never ever heard of pancreatic cancer in anyone under 40. If you had pancreatic cancer the symptoms do not come and go and you would be very very obviously seriously ill within a few months, I have known 3 people with it and it was so obvious that they were very ill very quickly.

Most rib pain is often down to musculo/skeletal problems as we have such alot of muscles and tendons and cartlidge in that area and even a problem in your neck can give referred pain and put stress on your rib area. Could this be an explanation for your pain - you have irritated some soft tissue with your exercise regime?

I'm not sure if I irritated any soft tissues, maybe. The arm I used to lift the weight is the one that feels tingly and almost has some numbness to it. I have this constant feeling to stretch my chest and my arm and when I do it does feel a bit better but it comes back. Right now I'm pinpointing the pain where the arm meets the shoulder, right on the chest area close to the arm pit and my collarbone. It's so frustrating because it seems like when I lie down, the achiness begins.

I've been also checking my skin and eyes for jaundice. I have slight yellow near the corners. I noticed I've had this for years though but I'm worried.

15-03-16, 22:38
The health anxiety is making you ignore the obvious and dismiss it and look as hard as you can for symptoms that might match what you are obsessing about.

You have read that pancreatic cancer can give you jaundice which makes you yellow - this means really yellow not just a slight tinge near the corner of your eyes which is completely normal for alot of people. Your ache/pain is on the same side you are using to lift weights and is at the junction of your shoulder/chest. Pancreatic pain is not felt here but muscular pain and strains would be felt here.

Sorry I can't offer reassurance that you can accept, maybe discuss this with your Dr who hopefully can help you. I understand how you are thinking and sympathise as I do it too. Would like to help you feel better if I could.x

15-03-16, 22:55
Since last year.....

That is the key statement. Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Cancer, especially pancreatic cancer which is one of the most agressive and deadly cancers, would have you very, very ill or dead by now if left untreated.

Positive thoughts

16-03-16, 00:26
I just recently lost a friend to pancreatic cancer (he was much much older than you). The pain does not come and go. Also it usually presents pain in the back not just the rib cage area. You would experience weight loss, be tired a lot and the pain would worsen over time. We're talking extreme pain that can't be numbed with meds.

16-03-16, 04:33
I lost my mother just three months after diagnosis to pancreatic cancer. Her first symptom...turning yellow. And I mean, she looked like one of these emojis :weep: It was a tint all over her body and the whites of her eyes.

Weight loss, pain that stays around and does not just come and go, back pain where she needed pain pills (my mom wasn't one that needed to take pain pills too often so I know it was bad pain) lack of appetite, blockages, tiredness all came one right after another. My mom lost 60 pounds literally in 3 months. She also had a hard time getting out of bed because she could not eat. From the sounds of it, you do not have this terrible cancer and it is very rare in someone your age.

16-03-16, 12:22
I just recently lost a friend to pancreatic cancer (he was much much older than you). The pain does not come and go. Also it usually presents pain in the back not just the rib cage area. You would experience weight loss, be tired a lot and the pain would worsen over time. We're talking extreme pain that can't be numbed with meds.

I lost my mother just three months after diagnosis to pancreatic cancer. Her first symptom...turning yellow. And I mean, she looked like one of these emojis :weep: It was a tint all over her body and the whites of her eyes.

Weight loss, pain that stays around and does not just come and go, back pain where she needed pain pills (my mom wasn't one that needed to take pain pills too often so I know it was bad pain) lack of appetite, blockages, tiredness all came one right after another. My mom lost 60 pounds literally in 3 months. She also had a hard time getting out of bed because she could not eat. From the sounds of it, you do not have this terrible cancer and it is very rare in someone your age.

I'm really sorry for both of your losses :( I feel so silly worrying about this. I wish it wasn't anything that crossed my mind. I'm constantly obsessing over it. I've noticed sharp stabs when I breathe it sometimes on the side of my chest and it's a bit worrying.

---------- Post added at 12:22 ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 ----------

The health anxiety is making you ignore the obvious and dismiss it and look as hard as you can for symptoms that might match what you are obsessing about.

You have read that pancreatic cancer can give you jaundice which makes you yellow - this means really yellow not just a slight tinge near the corner of your eyes which is completely normal for alot of people. Your ache/pain is on the same side you are using to lift weights and is at the junction of your shoulder/chest. Pancreatic pain is not felt here but muscular pain and strains would be felt here.

Sorry I can't offer reassurance that you can accept, maybe discuss this with your Dr who hopefully can help you. I understand how you are thinking and sympathise as I do it too. Would like to help you feel better if I could.x

Thank you. I'm seeing a doctor today in the afternoon. I noticed when I move quickly in bed sometimes, I get a sharp pain in my chest and sometimes when I breathe. I'm terribly worried it's something serious. I've also noticed I've been having pains that I can compare to gas pains and it seems like I have been gassy the past few days.

16-03-16, 17:10
So the most likely reasons for your pain are wind ( gas) which can give you terrible chest pains or the cartiledge and muscles between you ribs.

I get such bad muscle spasm in my ribs at times that I literally can't take a breath in, its frightening but is only muscle spasm, usually caused by breathing in and turning at the same time. I have had it occasionally for 30 years - its not a sign of anything other than being unfit in me!

17-03-16, 15:14
So the most likely reasons for your pain are wind ( gas) which can give you terrible chest pains or the cartiledge and muscles between you ribs.

I get such bad muscle spasm in my ribs at times that I literally can't take a breath in, its frightening but is only muscle spasm, usually caused by breathing in and turning at the same time. I have had it occasionally for 30 years - its not a sign of anything other than being unfit in me!

Yesterday I went to my doctor and I broke down. I need to see someone for my anxiety. He looked over me, felt my chest, I had an EKG which came out normal, and did not seem alarmed or concerned at all.

I could sense he knew I had anxiety issues because I'm easy to read, so he asked me something along the lines of, "What are you concerned about?" I broke down and told him how I've been researching symptoms and I worry it's a tumor or cancer of some sort. He talked to me for a bit and said we'll do a chest x-ray to do some digging but he truly thinks there's nothing to worry about.

I also asked about a full blood test and he said that he doesn't think it is necessary but if it will put my mind at ease, he will let me go take one.

This morning I went and had my x-ray done on my chest and the whole time I was convinced in my gut that I had some type of tumor. I feel like such an unlucky person most of the time so I almost began panicking. I am convinced that they will find something in my chest, like a tumor or cancer. I am at work right now, trying my hardest to stay positive and have a good outlook but it's so difficult. I am getting married next February, and I'm thinking about all these future plans, and I can't see anything. I feel like I am becoming depressed. :(

I'm 22, active, and eat pretty healthy, and my body just seems to hate me. :(

19-03-16, 08:22
I'm going through exactly what you are going through with all the exact same symptoms, Except I have lost 30lbs over 2 months:( I'm really scared.I'm 26 M healthy as well.

21-03-16, 17:06
Sending positive vibes your way :hugs: I was in the same situation for a few months until last week. I was scared I had colon cancer! I was convinced that there was a large tumor in my colon. I had a colonscopy last week and it turned out that there was nothing there.

22-03-16, 16:25
Sending positive vibes your way :hugs: I was in the same situation for a few months until last week. I was scared I had colon cancer! I was convinced that there was a large tumor in my colon. I had a colonscopy last week and it turned out that there was nothing there.

Thank you for this. I'm constantly thinking the worst. I had my x Ray done last week and I haven't heard from doctor yet.

My grandmother just passed away yesterday and My body is experiencing a lot of stress on top of the pain so now I'm just a mess.

Did you find out what it was or did it go away?

18-05-17, 19:21
I want to believe that everythong you say is right, that pan can pain does not comes and goes but are progressive and gets worse and worse. But still; I have been reading hprryfying, horryfying nightmare stories about people who just had that - pain under the rib that came and went and that was it, no other symptoms. One such story from a supposedly respectable health info site tells about a woman who had pain under the left rib that came and went for more than two years before she was diagnosed - something that contradicts everey reasurrances I have heard and feeds me with a horryfying fear that this applies to me. However, I do hope that such stories can be taken with a grain of salt; that the woman indeed had pain but that it had nothing to do with the cancer; that she by accident got the cancer right before the test that confirmed cancer but had pain before the cancer started. In dark, dark hours like the one I have now I am sitting in fear about this as I am suffering left side rib pains now. *shudder*

11-10-23, 12:22
Pain can come and go with cancer.. only in very late stages it is often progressive. persisting Pain is also often more a late stadium issue in cancer. I know people can worry for no reasons here. I can be one of them, yet the info some give here is false and that does not help as soon as you find out yourself it is not true what they say or write. Then you lose all trust in people and doctors.. Helping people cope with anxiety or symptoms is sweet, but please be careful stating stuff that is not correct. It eventually backfires in someone with HA