View Full Version : Mental Health Advocate?

15-03-16, 20:33

I went to see my doctor today and got in a bit of a state. She's decided to refer me to get some more help and spoke about trying to get me an advocate because I'm really struggling with silly little things like making phone calls and managing my finances.
I was wondering if anybody has any experience of this? I was a bit overwhelmed while we were talking about it because I was mid-panic attack so I didn't really take much of it in! Will this referral be to the CMHT? I'm very confused!

Thank you xxx

15-03-16, 20:43
Yes I had an advocate and they were very helpful

16-03-16, 09:24
MIND have a good article on advocacy services:


I doubt the CMHT would provide this and to be honest, would we want the NHS to be doing it since sometimes we need advocates to fight for us against the NHS?