View Full Version : Losing my 'best friend'

15-03-16, 20:44
Hi everyone.

So I recently started a new job which is going really well. However at my old job I worked with my best friend who was also my manager.

The last few weeks at my old job she started being funny with me, it was always me asking if she wanted to go to lunch, messaging her first, making an effort to talk to her even though I would barely get a conversation out of her. On my last day she wrote me a lovely card which said how much of a great friend I had been to her and to stay in touch.

I haven't heard from her since I left, granted I have not made an effort to contact her but a simple message from her wishing me good luck or asking how the new job is, is the least I would expect from a 'best friend', and really I am a little fed up of me making all the effort.

when I think of it I start feeling super upset and anxious because I don't know what I've done wrong, I care for her so much, she was there when I was struggling the most with anxiety and depression and I just feel so alone now. My boyfriend tells me not to worry as I don't need friends like that but it's way easier said than done, I feel like I want answers but I don't want to talk to her because I know she doesn't care. I feel like she just used me so she had a 'friend' at work. She was quite unpopular amongst our other colleagues.

Has anyone been through a similar situation? Can you give me any advise on how to deal because right now I just want to cry!!