View Full Version : Heart Attack Fear

03-03-07, 20:08
hi there i am just writing this as i have had a fear of a heart attack for so long its ruining my life.i constantly worry about it ,i get horrid ectopics and flutters ,i get these horrid beats where my heart goes fast for a few seconds then misses a few beats then fast again then misses again then back to normal ,it goes completly irregular ,also i notice i seem to get a lot of palpitations at night wnen waking or falling asleep,on a couple of occasions i have woken with my heart racing so fast that ive had to go to hospital its not as if i woke with a fright or anything,had ecgs they say my heart is racing but it panic,then it calms down,but its the irregular beats that frighten me more as im sure one day it wont go back to normal and im sick of living in fear anyone relate to this many thanks molly

03-03-07, 20:14
Hi Molly

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Have a read of the ectopics posts under this thread here ...


Also read the Palpitations and Symptoms website pages on the left.

You are not alone and they WON'T kill so you try not to worry.

Wendie j
03-03-07, 20:24
Hi there:hugs:

i can fully relate to what you are saying as my greatest fear is my heart and these awful palps and racing feelings that im getting with it.Im not too bad if they happen at home but if they happen when im out it can bring on a panic attack and i have to get home.They have ruined my social life as im so scared of getting them.

Im at the moment having cbt therapy,and he wants me to have them! have lots and if i get them run up and down stairs or something.This hopefully will change my thinking about them and stop the fear-but im not there yet!.

There are lots of threads about palps so have a read because it will help to know others are going through this.As long as people have it checked out by a doc and everything is ok they cant hurt you.With me its just taking abit of time to live with them and i find the more you think about them or try to stop yourself having one the more they come.

hope this helps you are not alone here!

Wendie j xxx

05-03-07, 11:32
Hi Molly i have had ectopic beats and flutters for 4 years now i have had tests done at the hospital and they have all came back normal just showing i get ectopics they are harmless and wont hurt you there is sooo many people get them and dont even notice we notice more as we are always focusing on our hearts and we feel them which is a horrible feeling i can handle them a bit better nowadays as i try to not focus on them and it works there are days even weeks when i dont get them the worst time for me is when i have my monthly cycle and when i get a bit anxious or stressed and beleive me if you are anxious they come even more so try to ignore them it wont happen over night but it will get better if u need to speak to me pm me at any time love julie xxx

09-03-07, 17:56
Hi Molly, gosh I read your post and I feel exactly the same, I have read all about ectopics etc however the panic is immense when they happen. I had to go to the dentist this week and I have to back for the next couple of weeks and the thought is making me feel ill, when walking there my heart was going manic and I thought when I got home I was gonna have a heart attack....we just have to try and stay calm and try and not let them take over our life!!!!! Take care

Shaz x

09-03-07, 20:54
thank you for all your replies take care molly