View Full Version : First aid - something in eye.

15-03-16, 20:46
Pretty sure its an eyelash but soemthing is in my eye and won't budge I feel it when I blink and feel it move side to side but can't see anything. What tips can k use?

15-03-16, 20:50
Rinse with water, cup water in your hand, put your eye down into the water and roll your eye around. It will work is way out. :-)

15-03-16, 21:01
I have done that. First time opening eye under water ha. Now what? :) blink or no blink? X

15-03-16, 22:26
This is something you can Google (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbryjOfILs4). There are several ways to help remove something in your eye.

Positive thoughts

15-03-16, 22:29
Try pulling your upper eyelid out and over your lower eyelash line, so kind of hold it and pull down over the lower. Your upper and lower lashes should brush against each other. Keep holding it there for a bit and try blinking once or twice still with the lid closed.

The eyelash - or whatever else may be in the eye, should work its way to the lower part of your eye, usually the corner part eventually, then you can hopefully fish it out.

16-03-16, 04:57
Yes, it could be Googled but I think many people are struggling with Google so use this place. Much of what is asked on here could be Googled to me but I guess when Cognitive Distortions are in play that steer the person towards the worst things, they may prefer the safety of a place like this and that's acceptable as far as "the rules" go as far as I know but perhaps it's just not for the HA board?