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View Full Version : Better Call Saul? :(

15-03-16, 21:24
Hey Friends,

I am writing you again because as you know, no matter how smart we are, we fall for the same trick over and over again - that is the horrible thing about having OCD. I am terrified and don't know where to turn to again :(

I posted about the same obsession a while back: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=166839

So you can guess what happened? The season of the show started again 2 weeks ago and upon watching it again I was confronted with the same problem again - fear of developing or having electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome which will effectively make me give up my life as I know it, make me loose my job because I will become Home-bound due to the inability to step outside as WLAN, GSM, and all other radiation is whizzing through the air. I am afraid of developing all the listed Symptomes and I read my fair share of takes of suffering of others affected by electro magnetic radiation sensitivity.
There is a whole industry out there that caters to these people, selling them insulating plates, shields and Faraday cages.

Just reading this article from the UK made me shrink up in fear:


I have always been afraid of losing my job, not being able to continue the life that I have in some way and this seems like a very real threat to me especially because I am convinced that it is a mental condition based on the (Nocebo-effect) which we as people who obsess must be prone to...

I am worried that because of my worries about it it will become true and I will eventually end up experiencing these dreadful symptoms having to give up my life and my job. On top I am quite a technology enthusiast and everything in my home is connected with Wifi. to make things worse I just discovered that there is a huge cell tower close to my home (in direct line of sight) which is probably sending out all that bad radiation.

I can't believe that I am so afraid of it now when before I used to love gadgets now I am afraid to use my cellphone. It really shatters me in ways that are probably hard to imagine for some of you.
I just want to get back to my old self but the "connected world" outside seems to be dirty and contaminated. So far I have been able to get over any of my obsessions. As you can see in this thread I had this exact obsession before and I was able to get over it after a few weeks. Now it's back and it is lasting even longer and I feel that because I read up about it it will stick this time around.

I do believe that some people have this sensitivity and they all say that It can strike at any age. There are some testimonials of people who have been avid technology users and had to give up their profession/life and move into a Radio Free Zone to be able to live normally. This would be my dreaded nightmare.

Please check out this recent TEDx Talk:


The same guy who held this Ted talk has a short introduction on his website:

Welcome. I have a master's degree in engineering and had a successful career in Silicon Valley before I began to experience negative health effects from wireless technology and electrical pollution.

My wife is a medical doctor and we created this website to help you quickly and easily reduce the electro-magnetic field (EMF) pollution in your life. We also provide solutions if you are already experiencing the effects of EMF pollution. You can check his website here : https://www.emfanalysis.com/

Is it all a hoax to squeeze money out of peoples Pockets. Is it people just imagining this stuff experiencing psychosomatic symptoms?
I am so terrified and already checking for symptoms.
For the past couple of years I have been experiencing quite some difficulties with sleep, brain fog, not being able to think deeply and some tiredness. All of which can be attributed to EHS but I really don't want to go down this road in starting to believe this stuff is true. I am afraid that I am drifting towards being one of those "crazy" esoteric nutjob conspiracy freaks who claim the world is evil and the rich elite are inventing all these toys to slowly destroy us or that all is driven by money and the big Telecommunication lobby is keeping the truth about wireless devices from coming out..

I'd love to get your take on this topic and how you deal with EMF.
Thanks for your help!