View Full Version : In a show and anxiety has overcome me.

15-03-16, 23:26
Hi there
So I've been rehearsing for a show for past few weeks and tomorrow until Saturday we perform. I've had these sudden thoughts of what if I faint on stage or mess my lines up for everyone to witness....that sense of loosing control. I've literally txt all friends and family and told them to not come because I'm so worried. I can't drop out of the show but really need to calm down. Can anyon help with my fear?


15-03-16, 23:48
I'm a professional musician. While I'm very comfortable on stage, I certainly understand performance anxiety. I've found that channeling the anxiety into energy works wonders. How? Digging down and knowing in your heart you know what you have to do helps. Also, focusing on an individual in the audience and performing to them helps as well.

Good luck and break a leg!

Positive thoughts

16-03-16, 00:00
Don't drop out...you will be fine!!

This sounds like classic anticipatory anxiety going on. I always think of it as collywobbles and nerves or even excitement that 'normal' people get when some event or whatever is approaching, but magnified by 1000 for us as anxiety sufferers.

I know how horrible this feels. I get the exact same thing before I travel. All of the 'what if this happens, what if that happens?' Like you say, I always feel like I am going to have a panic attack on the way/on the plane, and stuff is just all going to go wrong.......but please believe that IT WILL NOT!

At the moment, this is anxiety talking, and throwing up all kinds of scenarios that may happen, but when you are actually in the moment - like on the Staurday itself and prepping for the show, etc. - you will be so involved and focused on what you are doing, that the anxiety DOES drift away. It is just that because you are aware that it is coming up, your brain is tricking you that something bad is bound to happen.

It won't.

Firstly, try to replace all the negative thoughts with positives. Like ' This is just anxiety and I will be totally fine' and 'The show is going to be great, and I am going to enjoy it'.......it sounds dumb, but it does really help. Think of all of the reasons WHY you are in the show to start with, and what you get out of performing. No negatives!!!!

Try also to keep busy and occupied until Saturday too, so you have little time to think and dwell on the 'what ifs?' Too much time to ponder adds fuel to the fire, so diversion of the mind is key!

I honestly know how you feel. I used to perform many years ago (I was big into theatre and I studied drama, did the college and amateur shows, etc) and this was before my anxiety and panic issues happened, and even then I was sooooo nervous, so I know how you must feel right now, but I can honestly tell you, from a lot of experience with this anticipatory anxiety, that all the things that worry you won't happen and you will be fine.

Have a great show! x:hugs:

16-03-16, 07:18
Thanks so so much for your replies xx