View Full Version : Aware of my heartbeat

16-03-16, 08:29
So the last few days have been really stressful.
Last night when I went to bed It was quiet and all I could hear and feel was my heart thumping away in my chest. Finally fell asleep but woke this morning still very much feeling my heart beating in my chest. Not irregularly or anything just very annoying and worrying. It's been bit faster than usual at rest last few days but not overly. Should I go to a and e?? Anyone else get this and it keeps them awake? I've had a recent full heart work up by cardio for different symptoms. Echo, holter, stress test, tilt table (I have pots)

16-03-16, 09:31
Hi there.

I am going through this at the moment, heart pounding, palpitations the whole lot day & night. It sounds like you have had all the appropriate tests so i'm sure your heart is perfect & it's just anxiety.
Heart racing at night in bed is very common apparently.
Most books I've read say to just let it happen & not get too upset by it. It will eventually subside. Easier said than done I know :)

16-03-16, 10:40
I'm having that now too. Can't sleep

18-03-16, 09:31
I've had that on and off in the past few months since I started having bad anxiety. I've become used to it now and it doesn't freak me out but does stop me sleeping when it happens.

If your heart rate is under 100 it is fine and no point going to a & e, especially if you've already been checked out.

It's not very nice though is it?!

18-03-16, 13:09
I've been aware of my heart before and it does set my anxiety off a bit. That said, anxiety really messes with your body so of course your heart beat can increase. I think you should pamper yourself and relax. Focus on something other than your body. Read a book perhaps or watch a good movie. :)

18-03-16, 14:12
Our bodies are noisy. Everyone, if they focus in a quiet room, can hear their heartbeat, their breathing, stomach gurgles etc. It's just the way our living breathing bodies are. The vast majority pay it no mind. There is a tendency with anxiety sufferers to hyper-focus on these sensations thus blowing them out of proportion and causing additional anxiety.

Finding things to distract you is key. When I'm going to sleep, I'm often singing and playing a song in my head. It takes the focus away from my pain and I'm out soon afterwards ;)

Positive thoughts

18-03-16, 17:24
Happens to me too even feeling heart beat in feet and hands when touching something.

19-03-16, 08:29
you were either dehydrated or stressed. Try coughing couple of times and then take couple of deep breaths. It would all go away.

19-03-16, 09:03
Heartbeat is a natural process that sometimes is meant to be noisy. Just think to yourself (when you hear it) I'm glad it's still ticking away.

I suspect when you are distracted you notice it less so try putting the Tele on before bed and popping it on sleep mode.