View Full Version : A fib or panic?

16-03-16, 09:26
Hi everyone

I haven't posted here for a while. I'm going through quite an anxious patch for the last few months. Dizzyness, heart pounding, palpitations, the whole lot. I knew it was probably panic but obviously ive started to worry about my heart. I eventually went to the doc & told him I was very anxious & thought I had a heart issue. He listened to my heart & did bloods. He said all was fine.

Now a week later my heart is still racing & getting palpitations and im back to square one worrying. Should I have asked for an ECG? Can the doc hear things like A fib by just listening? I'm panicked I have Afib. I thought the symptoms would go away once I was told I was OK :( I start feeling panicky as soon as I get up listening to my heartbeat. The palps seem to be getting more frequent too.

If someone could offer any advice that'd be great. Im just so tired of worrying.


16-03-16, 15:06
Hi everyone

I haven't posted here for a while. I'm going through quite an anxious patch for the last few months. Dizzyness, heart pounding, palpitations, the whole lot. I knew it was probably panic but obviously ive started to worry about my heart. I eventually went to the doc & told him I was very anxious & thought I had a heart issue. He listened to my heart & did bloods. He said all was fine.

Now a week later my heart is still racing & getting palpitations and im back to square one worrying. Should I have asked for an ECG? Can the doc hear things like A fib by just listening? I'm panicked I have Afib. I thought the symptoms would go away once I was told I was OK :( I start feeling panicky as soon as I get up listening to my heartbeat. The palps seem to be getting more frequent too.

If someone could offer any advice that'd be great. Im just so tired of worrying.


Anxiety can do funny things to our bodies. When I get anxious, I get palpitations, my heart races, my adrenaline releases. I honestly think you are okay and should listen to your doctor.

16-03-16, 18:07
Thanks girl18 I will try & ignore the palps & hopefully they will go away. It is just the scariest feeling though.

15-07-16, 19:27
Hey elodrumm, not sure if you're following this post still. Let me know! We can share some post about afib. I was diagnosed with afib last month and can try to put your mind at ease