View Full Version : Headed to the doctor...

16-03-16, 14:51
Admittedly, I've been kind of a mess the past few days. My psych upped my lexapro from 5 mg to 10 mg daily, so I've had to adjust to that. My anxiety has been bouncing from one issue to another, sometimes I'm anxious over a multitude of things at once. Also feeling shaky in general, and have been prone to headaches.

However, I've started to develop these little red bumps on my arms and my stomach. For some reason, these are on my radar and I'm freaking out about them big time. And not even because I think they're super sinister! For some reason I've gotten it in my head that it's this strange form of acne and it's going to cover my body. I vaguely remember reading a horror story about accutane (which I am about to finish taking) where a woman started to get cysts in strange places where she'd never had them before, as well as stories where people continued to get acne but it changed.

I know, it's such a vain thing to worry about. I keep trying to tell myself that it's a silly worry, or that it's something simple - maybe flea bites (I do have a dog!) or ladybug bites or something else. But it's not working. It doesn't help that I have a couple of little red bumps on my face that I've had for a couple of months now, so I'm convinced that they're the same thing and will spread but never go away.

Anyway...I showed them to my mom and she suggested I go to the doctor in case it's a reaction to the medication. I'm seeing the on-call doctor, not my regular guy, and I don't like him quite as much but he's okay I think. I'm just afraid he'll say it's something bad...or that he'll say it's something harmless and I won't believe him.

I don't know what I'm asking really...just for support I guess. I don't feel too silly for going in since it's something that can be seen and not something I really have to describe but I'm still scared to death.

16-03-16, 15:03
I don't think it'll be anything sinister. You're going to be just fine! No doubt in my mind!!

16-03-16, 15:31
Best of luck Poppy! I'm sure you'll be fine! It doesn't sound like anything sinister to me. And if by the slim slim chance it IS an allergic reaction then the Dr will be able to help you :)

16-03-16, 16:24
Thanks. :)

He didn't know what it was. Somehow that's worse! I'm supposed to cut back on the Lexapro to every other day again until I talk to the psych, take some Claritin, and streamline the detergent and body washes I use to see if it goes away. Supposed to call back in a week if it doesn't or if I get more. Hard to do, since I'm already scrutinizing every bump on my body thinking it's another!

Now I'm starting to spiral a bit again and have a migraine. I'm just so scared that it's some horrible thing or exactly what I feared and since the doctors don't know it won't be able to be treated and will just get worse and worse.

16-03-16, 16:42
It'll get treated if it gets any worse! Try to relax, which is so much easier said than done!