View Full Version : Took day off work and said my daughter was ill

16-03-16, 16:49
I feel so guilty for lying and saying my daughter is ill to take a day off work. She did have me up most of the night but she is fine. I was exhausted this morning and that was the excuse I gave. I'm not scared that karma will come and she will get ill. I do suffer from ocd so I'm probably reacting to this worse than others would

17-03-16, 05:22
We tend to be our own worst enemy when it comes to criticism and perception. Don't be too hard on yourself, you will be far from the first parent who has needed some time off after looking after a sick child all night.

Lets face it, the health of your daughter (and you) is more important than any job ever will be.

I'm glad she is feeling better.

17-03-16, 08:37
I think because I made her out to be more sick than she was just so I wouldn't get into bother. But now I feel awful as if I've lied about something so terrible

17-03-16, 08:57
No, I think that's what I would call a little white lie. It's an exaggeration. I think you are feeling the guilt and perceiving it this way, and only people who care about their work berate themselves when they pull a sickie. If you didn't care, you wouldn't be bothered.

Don't let your anxiety use your daughter in this either as it likes to latch onto such things and bring negative thinking to question why you would do that. You are not a bad parent, quite the opposite despite what your thoughts may turn to!

19-03-16, 11:39
So now I feel that karma has hit! My daughter has been sick a few times today. Looks OK and still being herself but I feel terrible. Thinking this is because I lied that she was ill last week. It can't just be a coincidence. I feel so guilty today!!!

Checkered Life
19-03-16, 15:29
Don't feel guilty! I'm sure every parent has done the same thing at one point, no harm no foul. Besides, if you were too exhausted then I doubt you've been much productive at work.

19-03-16, 17:15
I make out that I am more ill that what I am if I need time off so I am sure that people will believe that I am ill. My son had my up from 4am this morning with a cough and I am glad I have no work today as otherwise I would feel totally wrecked. Don't feel guilty poorly kids need their parents and you did what any other parent would do


20-03-16, 05:31
It can't just be a coincidence.

Why can't it?

What is more likely, a child getting sickness again after having it a few days before (maybe a bug that hasn't quite gone?) or some karma based entity choosing to punish your daughter for a minor "sin"?

Magical Thinking has been one of my OCD themes so I understand how this works and latches on to pretty much anything but try to rationalise it. You can't sit next to your child and wish her to be ill in the next minute, so you also can't wish her not to be ill either and make it happen.

20-03-16, 08:07
I agree with Terry it is probably a bug that didn't go, she felt better probably started eating again and the bug wakes up. Keep of foods or try just toast and sip water, stay in and watch dvds all day

21-03-16, 10:04
What I'm saying is the day I took off work she wasnt exactly ill. She was up a bit at night but nothing else was wrong and now she's being sick. I'm worried because I lied that she was ill so I could take a day off work and now she has got a tummy bug. I feel so much guilt and feel it's my fault and karma

21-03-16, 10:53
But why would punishing you also mean punishing your daughter who has done nothing in the eyes of Karma? Why not only punish you?