View Full Version : Strange anxiety symptom, mental confusion or strange trigger?

16-03-16, 16:53
Its me again, lol. I have a strange symptom that appears to have manifested from the fear of thinking about/feeling anxiety. But I almost have a mental block when I try to think about what is truly bothering me, so I can analyze it... It almost feels like an incomplete thought or just a thought 'emotion'. I cant explain it and this is causing some distress because Ive never heard of anything like this before.. Simply thinking or having the remembrance of this pop into my head causes panic because I have no idea what it is or why its bothering me.. The most I can do is visualize it as a black mass of unknown, which I can almost see in my mind, just beyond my own vision.

I know that anxiety can play all sorts of crazy tricks on people from what I am learning.. but has anyone ever heard of anything like this? I feel like I wont ever be able to not be afraid of it if I cant understand it.

16-03-16, 17:57
Increased anxiety is one of the most common side effects in the first few months of an antidepressant. You have consider taking your klonopin to slow your over thinking. Stop googling, relax yourself or maybe go for a walk.
We have all experienced a crazy anxiety in one way or another and I know how you feel but you are doing yourself more damage looking for all the answers

16-03-16, 18:05
Alright man, I hear you loud and clear. Im done searching, Im just going to put everything off as Citalopram startup anxiety and accept that I cant do anything about it and stop trying to figure it out. Its a horrible habit of mine.

16-03-16, 18:14
Up until a few weeks ago, I would google for reassurance hours on end until I would basically puke I made myself so sick. Trust me you're not alone and it will pass

16-03-16, 18:18
Lie down & listen to a guided mediation for a while, your mind needs to rest. I've got a great app if you need any recommendations x

16-03-16, 18:32
Maybe your anxiety has become a habit, so there is no central issue any more? That's why you can't find anything when you think of it. Maybe it's not a blockage, there's just nothing there.

16-03-16, 18:57
Maybe your anxiety has become a habit, so there is no central issue any more? That's why you can't find anything when you think of it. Maybe it's not a blockage, there's just nothing there.

I suppose it could absolutely be that. It seems like a habit thought that just pops into my head a lot, not about anything specific, just a reminder of the anxiety and how it makes me feel.. almost like a leftover remnant of a panic attack. Is that possible? It sounds and feels so psychotic to me.

---------- Post added at 13:56 ---------- Previous post was at 13:55 ----------

Lie down & listen to a guided mediation for a while, your mind needs to rest. I've got a great app if you need any recommendations x

I would love to know what app you use, I have no idea how to meditate or "float."

---------- Post added at 13:57 ---------- Previous post was at 13:56 ----------

Up until a few weeks ago, I would google for reassurance hours on end until I would basically puke I made myself so sick. Trust me you're not alone and it will pass

I did that very same thing the other day. My stomach has been a mess. My overthinking has gotten so out of control its turning into indescribable jargon.

16-03-16, 19:03
Trust me I've thought some crazy stuff while trying to 'think' my way out of anxiety, there is nothing you can think that one of us most likely hasn't thought before.

Suzie, what app is it please. I have the calming oriental music one but that's all.

16-03-16, 19:33
Be careful that you're not unconsciously reacting to the physical sensations of anxiety. Stomach aches and headaches can affect your mood without you realising it, as you interpret them as more harbingers of doom. This is kind of the trap anxiety keeps you in. You end up running in circles like a dog chasing its tail. If you end up fighting yourself, the only arse you'll kick is your own, while the anxiety high fives itself.

16-03-16, 19:46
Be careful that you're not unconsciously reacting to the physical sensations of anxiety. Stomach aches and headaches can affect your mood without you realising it, as you interpret them as more harbingers of doom. This is kind of the trap anxiety keeps you in. You end up running in circles like a dog chasing its tail. If you end up fighting yourself, the only arse you'll kick is your own, while the anxiety high fives itself.

Honestly its only the thoughts, feeling of fear, and feeling disconnected from life and being stuck in this "nothing matters anymore" attitude that Ive adopted. Seriously bad habits.

16-03-16, 20:48
I use a free app called Stop Panic & Anxiety. (The picture is of grass & reeds) I'm in the UK but I think it's probably available everywhere since its all in an American accent.
It's full of audios, different meditations, tips, CBT methods, it even has an audio to listen to whilst you're having a panic attack to sort of talk you out of it.
When i really need a break from the constant thoughts I love to listen to the meditations, they have helped me so much. I sometimes go to sleep listening to the audio articles too.

16-03-16, 21:51
Thanks Suziewuzie, sounds worth checking out :)