View Full Version : Really scared

16-03-16, 20:47
My mum may have Familia Hypercholesterolemia and I am really afraid I will have it and die young I dont know what to do I am overweight and am scared that I could have a heart attack any day. Someone please help I am only 19 I have my future in front of me.

16-03-16, 21:10
Go to the Doctor and get a check up. It's very rare, I mean CRAZY rare for a 19 year old to have heart issues, even if you're overweight. Start exercising and eating better! I'd bet my paycheck you aren't on the verge of a Heart Attack. I bet I won't get any takers either.

16-03-16, 21:16
At 19, you're not in any danger of a heart attack. That being said, if indeed hypercholesterol runs in your family (even if it doesn't), you can nip any future risks in the bud by exercising and eating healthy starting now.

Positive thoughts

Catherine S
16-03-16, 22:51
Yes it can be an heredity condition but not always. It's also treatable so doesn't mean you'll die from it even if you do end up with it. Try to live a healthy lifestyle, a good diet and no smoking etc, and if your mum does have it, and you end up with it too it's not a death sentence. If you had a family history of diabetes and you ended up with this too, what would you do? You would have to live with it just like thousands do. It's part of life sometimes. At least you'd have a real condition instead of lots of imaginary ones.


17-03-16, 20:08
Fishmanpa apparently this doesnt help people with this asuch as their body produces more cholesterol which means i may need to take statins which ive heard can cause bad effects

17-03-16, 20:17
First off, you're putting the cart about 100 miles before the horse. Your mom "may" have this and IF she does, it doesn't mean you'll get it.

I have hyper-cholesterol issues and yes, I take a low dose statin along with several other medications for heart disease. That being said, I know first hand for a fact that exercise and proper nutrition can indeed reverse and stabilize high cholesterol issues. So IF 20-30 years from now you develop a cholesterol issue, you can address it. If you want to help avoid that happening in the future, you can start now by taking my advice. Been there done it bro... I didn't listen and I paid for it. Just sayin'...

Your choice I guess.

Positive thoughts

17-03-16, 22:01
Not saying it is bad advice and that you dont know your stuff and also your advice is good and I really do need to follow it to be better in general. Its just apparently this disease is difficult to control through nutrition and exercise as your body is just making extra cholesterol