View Full Version : Help - Side effects still after 10 weeks

16-03-16, 21:07
Hello all,

So I have been on Effexor now for about 10 months... I started in June on 112 mg in which I would get some side effects like funny head feelings etc, but they would always seem to pass... Then in July I started to have anxiety back so the doctor raised it to 150mg..

After about a week on the 150 mg , I immediately started to feel better.. However, every other week I would have a rough week with what I think could be a side effect .. This side effect is mostly head feeling that could be described as brain tingling / tension headaches, burning sensation in sides of head and temples...

I was on the 150 mg for 5 months... July, and august I had the above described side effect every other week for pretty much the whole week but it would always go away and I would be great for the week .. Then in October, I had the best month with absolute none of those feelings ...

November and December that head feeling and burning sensation came back, so the doctor raised my dose to 187 .. the first two weeks I still had it but it seemed to be a little better ... tahn I had two great weeks without that feeling ... however the last 5 weeks or so that i have been on 187 I have had that burning, tight head, tension feeling pretty much all the time and it has not went away like it used to ..

With that being said , the original symptoms and axiety are gone, however the head feeling is really bothering me .. I have been on 187 for about 10 weeks .... I almost think it is the medicine because with the increase it became more constant , whereas at the lower dose it at least went away and I would go without it , even though it was just as bad when it was there ...

Any thoughts on if this is a side effect or thoughts in general? Thanks

21-03-16, 13:31
Hi, sorry I can't be too helpful on this one, it's not something I've experienced on Ven. I guess it might be worth checking with the Dr to make sure there's no other causes but I can see why it seems like it's a side effect.

I hope someone can help you out, it must be tough feeling like that each day.