View Full Version : Had a crappy day!!!!

03-03-07, 22:06
Had an awful day!!!!!

For no good reason I woke this morning feeling tense!!!!

By lunchtime this had ballooned into the very edge of a full blown pa!!!

Tried rescue spray EFT etc nothing helped!!!!

Went out to collect a friend who was coming over got caught in heavy rain and lost the plot totally!!!!

Put up with it till 7pm when I had a few drinks and bang its gone!!!!!

Just want reassurance that its just a blip which my logical mind knows it is and that im not going down the slippery slope again!!!!

Have only ever had mild anx for months now no real panic!!!!

Thanks for reading guys!!!!

Luv Kaz x x x

03-03-07, 22:08
Course it was hun - we all get odd days like that don't we.


Love Piglet :flowers:

03-03-07, 22:11
Hiya Kazzie
Definitely just a blip.
Put it down to the atmospherics of the weather... u know how storms can affect our pets?! im sure things like that can affect sensitive people too. Or of course, it may just be the good old hormones!
Glad u feeling a bit better now!

Izzy xx

03-03-07, 22:37
On a positive it stopped, on a positive it passed. I think it likes to give you a reminder of it! You controled it though not the other way round!

03-03-07, 22:37
Update: It's the lunar eclipse... look outside now!!! :)

03-03-07, 23:10

Hope your feeling better now, blips come to test us i think, and when they realise they cannot get to us they 'bugger' off :)

Don't let it get to you, tomorrow is a new day

Have a :hugs: mate and keep smiling


Trac xxx

04-03-07, 00:09
Hi Kazzie

This is a blip and tomorrow is a new day.

Maybe it is the eclipse as I've been really anxious and panicky all day :shrug:

I hope tomorrow is better for you :hugs:

Karen xx

04-03-07, 00:31
Thanks all of you!!!!

You are all such lovely people:hugs:

Have come to the conclusion its the moon plus I came on today plus the change of life( please God can I change it for a better one lol)

Feel lots better now im still here and it dident kill me!!!!

Thank you all and those on chat tonight who helped heaps too!!!!!

Onward and upward and anpther kick in the teeth for anxiety lol:)

Sorry to be a pain guys

Luv Kaz x x x x x

04-03-07, 02:06
I am glad you are feeling better Kazzie.

You are not a pain at all. Friends help each other when they can.

Night Kazzie :hugs:

Karen xx

04-03-07, 09:52
Hope you've woken up feeling better today Kazzie. I think hormones play a big part when we're of 'a certain age'. I came on 3 weeks ago and am still going! that was after a gap of 6 weeks. What is my body doing lol

04-03-07, 15:17

Glad you are ok now and the chat in Chat room last night helped.

You are not going backwards atall and we all have these weird days but you will be fine - we promise.

04-03-07, 15:55
Cheers Nic and all of you

Im fine today so was just a blip thank god!!!!!

Thanks again to all of you!!!!:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x

05-03-07, 16:30
Sorry to hear you had such a crap day Kazz,hope your feeling better now.
Big Hug Lovey To You:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: