View Full Version : Just falling apart =(

17-03-16, 02:56
I've posted a few times on here about various issues. I've had the most miserable few months of my life. I've never felt crummier. I have Thalassemia and have always had slightly low hemoglobin. My anemia was always due to the Thalassemia, not iron deficiency. In fact, I was told to be careful with iron since it could end up doing more harm than good for me. I've always been a bit tired and never felt 100%, but nothing I couldn't deal with. Now.. I just feel like I'm dying.

I've seen my doctor a bunch of times and have been to a hematologist as well. A lot of my symptoms were neurological, so my GP sent me for an MRI of my brain. That came back fine and my neurological symptoms seem to be better.

The hematologist did some blood work and found that my ferritin was extremely low at 5. She seems very concerned and is referring me to a gastroenterologist to find out if there's any GI bleeding. In the mean time, she put me on iron supplements. First it was ferrous sulfate twice a day, but she switched me to poly-iron 150 Forte once a day to see if it's easier on me. Since taking the supplements, my stomach has been a MESS. I've felt backed up, but have very loose super dark stools. I have almost constant lower abdominal discomfort, lower back pain, random aches and pains everywhere, lots of gas that sometimes I can NOT get out. When I eat, I automatically start getting stomach pains. And TMI, my bum hole has been so itchy! Yuckkk. Can all of this really be caused by iron supplements? I have never heard of someone reacting this way to them. In fact, I've taken them during pregnancy and didn't have this reaction.

I'm now terrified I have stomach or colon cancer or something. I've been on Nexium for a year now for GERD. Now I'm scared that something bad has been going on all this time and now I'm severely iron deficient because of it. I have two young kids, a husband, and I'm only 27. I know it's unlikely to be cancer, but I've read plenty of stories of this happening to younger people and they ended up with cancer. I'm so scared, I just want to cry all the time. I want to get these tests done, but I'm so terrified of the results. Story of our lives right?

I'm so sick of being so tired. My eyes burn all the time because of it. I rarely ever have the energy for anything at all. I feel so ill. My family must think I'm such a drag to be around. Not to mention, I have ZERO sex drive. My husband is going insane. Anyone ever been through something similar? I really want to feel alive again.

17-03-16, 03:04
From an emotional standpoint, I know exactly how you feel. I too am 27, have two amazing kids and an awesome wife. I also have been suffering from terrible HA. If you ever need to talk, Hit me up.

As for your symptoms, have you told you dr? It seems far more likely to be a side effect of your meds than something more sinister.


17-03-16, 03:23
It's sad.. we just want to have fun with our families and enjoy their company. I have terrible health anxiety as well, and I know it isn't making anything better. I just have this bad feeling that this time, something is very wrong. Thank you for your kind words though.

I've told my doctor everything, numerous times. I'm just playing the waiting game now. Still have more testing to do before we can rule everything out or find a cause. In the mean time, I want to crawl under a rock.

17-03-16, 03:34
I've had that same feel "This is it. There's no other explaination". And it only makes things worse.

While you go through these tests just remind your self, statistically speaking, this is far more likely to be benign. You're only 27 after all :)

I've found I've been able to help my anxiety with gardening. It's an activity I can do with my family. Perhaps it, or a similar activity could help ease your stress.

I'll be praying for you!

17-03-16, 04:29
Thank you! It's truly appreciated. That's why I come on this site. No one around me truly understands, it's nice to talk to people who do.

I just always think I'm going to be that rare case. And with all these ridiculous symptoms it's hard to think it's nothing serious. Especially the very low ferritin.

I definitely need to get a hobby as well. I've always wanted to garden. As lame as it sounds, I vacuumed out my car and felt a tad bit better for a little bit. Then I came crashing down again. :shrug:

17-03-16, 04:40
I definitely need to get a hobby as well. I've always wanted to garden. As lame as it sounds, I vacuumed out my car and felt a tad bit better for a little bit. Then I came crashing down again. :shrug:

Thats awesome (and a bit funny) on the vacuuming! Consistency is key. Find things to keep you occupied regularly :)

17-03-16, 05:16
It is hard when no one understands. My brother acts like I can change instantly it's all in my head. But I'm hoping we all get better.

17-03-16, 06:14
My husband is the same way. I know he genuinely wants me to feel better, but he thinks I'm doing all of it to myself. I wish they could live in our bodies for a day and see how real all of this is!

17-03-16, 06:37
Yes it's very real feeling to us. Unless they go through it I don't think they will ever understand.