View Full Version : New mole at 32?

17-03-16, 06:26
Tonight I discovered what I 'think' may be a new mole. It is located on my left leg, on the outside just above my knee cap. This mole doesn't appear to be irregular in any way, but I can't really recall if I've had it before..or if it is new. I am suspecting that it is new. Since I am 32, I did some googling (I know..I know) and found some sites that say it is a big red flag to develop new moles after the age of 30! I did see one or two others that said something similar but used 40 as the age.

Is this something I should be concerned about? Or is developing regular moles a normal occurrence for a 32 year old? I kind of have myself freaked out here from all of the googling. I even spent 3 hours going through years worth of photos trying to find just one with that area exposed so I can see if the mole is there or not, but wasn't able to come up with either photo.

Hoping some of you can shed some light on what is normal and what isn't for this sort of thing. I deal with health anxiety probably once a year or so, and I always find this forum helps.

Thank you!

18-03-16, 19:29
I am now 54 years old and I have had new moles come up all my life. Its not necessarily a sign of anything nasty but as with any new blemish its always wise to watch and wait and see if it changes at all.