View Full Version : Recording an appointment?

17-03-16, 10:39
Hi all,

You may have heard of my issues with getting my physiotherapist to agree to have a friend accompany me to my appointments. In a way I can understand it perfectly, because the treatment room is so small that it would be pretty cramped with a third person in there. However, I am often so anxious that I cannot remember exactly what my physio tells me during the appointment.

I wonder whether it would come across as really weird if I asked to record the appointment on my mobile phone??? I know it seems a bit creepy and strange, but it would really help me if I could replay it after the appointment and remember details etc. which tend to slip my mind after the appointment because I'm usually so anxious and on edge DURING that time!

Anyone else have this dilemma? I am just think that she might be creeped out by this request. Of course I would never record her without letting her know!
