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View Full Version : Breast cancer worry :/

17-03-16, 13:23
Has anyone experienced a red ring round the areola? Sometimes feels like burning too/ pain too? I went on dr Google and now terrified I have breast cancer, was given creams but haven't done anything as yet 😐

17-03-16, 13:44
Give the cream a chance.wen did u have it? I'm on the same fear at the mo as my one boob is lumpier than the other

17-03-16, 13:51
I was given hydrocortisone and an antibiotic cream a couple weeks ago, now fucibet, been bothered with breast pain for months so when the redness appeared my anxiety levels went through the roof, more or less convinced myself it's cancer! Aw maybe you should go speak to your gp for some reassurance, I know how you feel, It's all I think about xx

17-03-16, 14:22
I no I will do has the docter felt yours for any lumps of ya concerned demand an ultrasound or scan hun how old r u may I ask

17-03-16, 14:28
I'm 27 :) yeah they did the routine check and said it felt fine, if this cream doesn't work I've to go back next week, I wouldn't be so worried if it was on both of them xx

17-03-16, 14:50
Your young like me then to be getting breast cancer really.what did they say it was to you praps you've had a reaction to something.is it getting slightly better ?

17-03-16, 14:54
Nah not really, it's still red and feels like burning, I done the wrong thing and asked google, always gives you the worst out come, I'll never learn xx

17-03-16, 17:58
I'm the same lol lets hope the cream kicks in for u and clears it I'm sure it will