View Full Version : am i risking my life

17-03-16, 14:52

iv had previous breakdowns where im obsessed i have dvt have all the tests and everything comes back fine and i look a wally
last sunday i had pain in my leg..oposite to usual one
all week its been hurting my aniexty is threw the roof there is no swelling or heat but it hurts im PETRIFIED its a clot
im really trying to work on my aniexty so my husband has persuaded me not to go to the hospital but where i always get it checked im scared im risking my life by not going!
iv also been really dizzy but im so stressed out maybe related
the leg actually hurts more when im sitting to standing
the thoughts in my head are screaming u idiot u need to be checked but i know i cant run to hospital everytime i get a pain i last went in january
just scared because it not my usual leg
any advice pllllleeeaasee

---------- Post added at 14:52 ---------- Previous post was at 14:51 ----------

im 25 but overweight not overly active and smoke! but hospital always says they not major risk factors just things that i need 2 work on no pill or flights ect

17-03-16, 17:30
Get out and about. Walking is good for stress and basically everything you mentioned in your post :)

17-03-16, 17:40
any advice pllllleeeaasee

In general, some common sense advice regardless of your fears...

Exercise, eat right and QUIT SMOKING! Doing so will decrease the odds of causing yourself health issues down the road.

Positive thoughts

18-03-16, 14:56
no i know these are things im addressing

19-03-16, 07:19
I wish I would have seen this post earlier. I had the exact same fear! I've just been to have a ctpa to check for clots on my lungs and now I'm petrified I've contributed towards cancer because I previously had 6 chest X-rays and a perfusion scan.
You sound exactly like me! If you want to talk about it more please message me and I'll give you my number because it would be great to chat about it more when we have the same issues x

19-03-16, 08:09
You don't have the risk factors unless you were:
1.Bedridden due to recent surgery
2. Severe Trauma to arms or legs
3.Being on Birth Control Pills
4.Frequent flyer

Trust me as a guy I had this fear 2 weeks ago.AND DVT doesn't kill instantly, it takes weeks for it before it creates a clot in the longs, by then you know you have it because you can't breath.

19-03-16, 09:29
thank u for ur replys well icaved went had a d dimer was negative but now it switched to massive heart sniexty! this all started with constant dizziness few weeks ago n they did ecg yesterday but I forgot to ask if it was ok now im gettin ridiculous dizziness n palps im so tired of bein scared

19-03-16, 09:36
If they did an ECG yesterday and it wasn't fine, they'd have told you regardless of whether you asked or not!

Try and get out for a nice long walk and fresh air today if you can, I find it really helps take my mind off things.

Hope you feel better soon
Lin x

19-03-16, 11:56
thats true when my aniexty this severe nothing is logical I had more ecgs then I can remember holter and 24 hour id let go of all the heart worry ....until now im only scared of things that kill quickly but I can go months fine then out of nowhere I go insane im too scared to go out but im potteruing round house ty for ur reply means alot