View Full Version : Please please help - spat blood today and yesterday

17-03-16, 15:51
I can't see bleeding gums. Worrying so so much. Yesterday and today. Isn't a lot of it. Happened once yesyerday and once today.

17-03-16, 15:56
I can't see bleeding gums. Worrying so so much. Yesterday and today. Isn't a lot of it. Happened once yesyerday and once today.

Have you flossed recently?

17-03-16, 16:28
I don't floss in general. I couldn't feel or see bleeding gims

---------- Post added at 16:28 ---------- Previous post was at 16:00 ----------


17-03-16, 16:37


Yesterday it was your eyes, the day before that bruises, the day before that petechiae.... I feel bad watching as you're really spiraling, and nothing anyone says seems to be helping as you just bounce to the next fear.

All anyone can do is speculate why you spat blood. If you're that concerned, see your doctor and while your there, ask about a referral for some help with your anxiety.

Positive thoughts

17-03-16, 17:41
As Fishman said it's something each day.

I have just started a new job and REALLY don't want this stress and worry, it eats my personality and beleive it or not I'm fab 90% time I'm not worried.

What COULD the blood be? I don't even know what In worroed about. I don't smoke and don't have chest pains. I guess bleeding gums/leukemia but k couldn't feel blood just in spit.

---------- Post added at 17:38 ---------- Previous post was at 17:10 ----------

What could it be?

---------- Post added at 17:41 ---------- Previous post was at 17:38 ----------

Non smoker, no cough or cold. Good heart rate.

17-03-16, 17:42
Were you cleaning your teeth at the time? If so it's most likely gums

17-03-16, 17:44
Non smoker, no cough or cold. Good heart rate.

---------- Post added at 17:44 ---------- Previous post was at 17:42 ----------

No I wasnt. Though Gums occasionally bleed when brush teeth always have done. Does this indicate leukemia?!

Catherine S
17-03-16, 17:44
We can't give a diagnosis because we're not medically trained, we're only fellow sufferers who can share experiences . If the people who have already taken the time and trouble to respond to your posts can't reassure you, then you really need to see a doctor about your mental health.

Take care

17-03-16, 17:50
Just curious & worried

17-03-16, 17:52
Though Gums occasionally bleed when brush teeth always have done. Does this indicate leukemia?!

There's your answer and "No", it doesn't indicate anything sinister in the least. That being said, proper dental care and hygiene is just a common sense practice.

Reb, you talk about being great 90% of the time, logical, calm, collected etc. How about using some of that 90% and getting help for the other 10%? :emot-nod:

Positive thoughts

17-03-16, 17:54
Hi Reb - the fact that you are constantly seeking reassurance for very normal bodily sensations says your anxiety is not under control (whether you feel fab 90% of the time or not). Do you practise mindfulness or have some cbt? Honestly, none of your physical symptoms are even slightly worrying so perhaps a trip to the gp is for the best? You're problem is anxiety not physical issues and asking for continual reassurance is really not the best way to overcome it....I know getting reassurance can help you feel better short term but you should really be able to reassure yourself - either distraction, mindfulness, therapy or meds :hugs:

17-03-16, 18:51
Someone said its an urgent concern? I feel fine. Is it? Is it normal? My sister said she had it.

---------- Post added at 18:51 ---------- Previous post was at 18:50 ----------

Dot. Think I have signs of pulmonary embolism or pneumonia or stuff like that.

17-03-16, 18:53
Reb - see my post above - unless your coughing up blood its not a concern...why are you ignoring the health anxiety? That is your problem lovely, not embolisms or pneumonia xx

17-03-16, 19:12
My boyfriend is a shrugger offer - he'll have something Id worry about but he'd be like 'whatevs' but if it was me I'd be here or googling. I hate to seem like I'm not under control. Today was a bad day and I had a slight panic attack and. I hate that. Especially starting new job (kept it hidden in loo).

Have you spat blood mixed with spit before?

17-03-16, 19:22
Yes Reb - from a cold, irritated nose, bleeding gums etc. Your response to this is what needs help lovely...please go see your gp - you are obviously in a state of anxiety (probs the new job and stresses that come with it) but googling and asking for reassurance is not the way to deal with it...I'm not trying to be a d1ck to you but I honestly think you need to speak to a gp. Health Anxiety is a real thing and it controls you if you let it. Please, please see a gp for your anxiety :)

17-03-16, 19:25

You need to go talk to somebody. Go see a doctor and explain what's going on. It's hard to believe you're fab 90% of the time. I'm not saying you're lying one bit but I really think you need to go to the Doctors. I really, really do.

17-03-16, 21:00
I guess it's just strange to experience.

---------- Post added at 21:00 ---------- Previous post was at 20:33 ----------

I'm so worried it's something bad.

17-03-16, 21:03
I'm so worried it's something bad.

Let it go.... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moSFlvxnbgk) :)

Positive thoughts

17-03-16, 21:09
my nephew just came back from the docs coughing blood chest infection antibiotics i myself coughed up blood twice last week have a bad cough atm

17-03-16, 22:19
I have no cough though. I'm so scared it's leuekemia. That with the bruise on my leg. My lips feels sore too. I need to calm down.

---------- Post added at 21:43 ---------- Previous post was at 21:31 ----------

I have no cough. I'm feeling most anxious ive felt in ages, close to tears. I'm worried it's very serious and wonder if anyone has had it two days in a row?

In spit.
Takes one - theee spits to disappear
No cough
No chest pain
No obvious sign of bleeding (checked gums/mouth
Lips feel chipped

Please calm me down.

---------- Post added at 22:19 ---------- Previous post was at 21:43 ----------

I feel like ive let myself down. Spiralling and straiht on to google. Everything from TB to pneumonia to lung cancer to split lung. My mouth and lips feel sore. I'm just sat on floor holding back tears. I hate this. Why do I have this symptpm to worry about?!

Catherine S
17-03-16, 22:37
I wasn't 't going to reply because I feel that we have done all we can to help you as sufferers ourselves, and I didn't want to feed your attention/assurance seeking behaviour, which is constant, and i'm sure distressing for other sufferers too. So I've answered to say that I will be asking the admins to assess your threads to see if perhaps this is not the place you should be. If it is that you are genuinely suffering as you say you are, then I think you need more help than we can give...you're ignoring us all anyway. You need a real mental health assessment from professional mental health experts , so that would be my last word of advice to you.

Take care

17-03-16, 22:37
Lovely Reb, you and kabillions of other people will also have this symptom....the only difference is the kabillion other people will take absolutely no notice of it because it's a normal bodily thing that happens. You have to go to a doctor Reb because you worrying about this is not the standard response. You are anxious and you need to deal with that. No amount of reassurance is going to help you. Only a gp/meds/therapy...Are you going to go Reb and sort this out?

17-03-16, 22:43
I wasn't 't going to reply because I feel that we have done all we can to help you as sufferers ourselves, and I didn't want to feed your attention/assurance seeking behaviour, which is constant, and i'm sure distressing for other sufferers too. So I've answered to say that I will be asking the admins to assess your threads to see if perhaps this is not the place you should be. If it is that you are genuinely suffering as you say you are, then I think you need more help than we can give...you're ignoring us all anyway. You need a real mental health assessment from professional mental health experts , so that would be my last word of advice to you.

Take care

Is that really necessary? Will you be doing this to everyone else on here posting in the same way? There are others.

There is a simple way not to feed reassurance without bringing in banning other members and that's not to post. I truly hope Admin see through this type of thing on here.

Catherine S
17-03-16, 22:51
Go away Terry, stop following me around the boards...which you're known for. I have given this girl lots of advice as have others, and I believe...if she's not a troll...she needs more help than we can give. So unless you want me to report you for harassment, p**s off my back . You're a nasty piece of work.

17-03-16, 22:54
Wow - Believe, I think that's uncalled for. We all know how frustrating it is when members don't appear to be listening but Terry is right. Everyone on here needs reassurance in one way or another. Don't like it - move on...and attacking Terry? That is out of order!

17-03-16, 22:57
Reb is obviously struggling atm, I don't think that means that she should be accused of trolling.

I really would appreciate it if personal insults were not exchanged on the forum.

Catherine S
17-03-16, 22:59
With all respect... You've been here for what? A few weeks? , but thank you for your input. And please tell me what you object to in my last reply to Reb? You don't agree that she might need more help than we can give? She needs a mental health assessment not constant feeding of her obsession.


17-03-16, 23:00

Catherine S
17-03-16, 23:03
Wow? Aww thanks :D

17-03-16, 23:07

XSB - Thanks. I've been around here longer, I'm not going to take offence to things and sometimes tensions run high on here. I think we all understand that Reb needs some extra support here but I think we also need to consider the fact that the NHS don't jump and help us, it's meds and along wait for therapy. Also posting styles and reassurance needs are obviously also affected by personality traits and some people on here will seek it more than others so it is important that we don't take things personally, don't let ourselves very wound up and strive for patience which can be hard when we are struggling ourselves.

17-03-16, 23:18
Yeah Im not a troll and I'm no different from other constant obssessers.

We are normal people. I Am starting my CBT tomorrow and reading my CBT book tonight. I understand frustrations; my family and boyfriend are just as annoyed as am I? What twenty odd year old wants to be worrying about every nook and cranny. I'd rather irritate people on here (NOT purposely) than google. If I get abuse for simple questions than so be it. As said prior I can handle it. Terry is very reasonable as are a few other admins ive seen.

---------- Post added at 23:18 ---------- Previous post was at 23:15 ----------

i just use this as a diary in some ways, a place to jot my worries and looking back at previous posts I'm like chill bro, calm it. Fishman is very kind and blunt with his response, he/she understands like a sort of parent (sorry if you read and you aren't that old) I do require just a 'yeah, normal' which ok, I guess is reassurance. I'm not a troll. Why would anyone pretend to be so anxious.

Catherine S
17-03-16, 23:24
And just to add, in no way did I say anybody should be banned, good grief! Read my original reply . All I said was Reb was not taking any advice from any of us, and the mental condition she appears to be in seems to be beyond us here. She needs a proper mental health assessment. Quite why Terry chose to object to that is beyond me.

But dunna worry as we say here in the Midlands, not another word will pass my lips on the matter.


17-03-16, 23:26
I'm not THAT bad. It's little things separately throughout the weeks as opposed to one big thing that consumes me; different to how others anxieties work I guess. I DO listen, I DO take it on board. I'm sorry it's constant and I'm working on myself.

Ps I'm from the Midlands; Derby lass.

17-03-16, 23:30
Totally agree Terry - thankfully I've got enough things to worry about but I thought it was a bit harsh (wow was a very considered response from me!Lol)...
Reb, you have every right to post your feelings - no-one would pretend to be that anxious! Good luck with your cbt xx Let us know how you get on xx

---------- Post added at 23:30 ---------- Previous post was at 23:29 ----------

I'm a midlands lass too - Worcestershire! Big up the Midlands posse!

17-03-16, 23:30

I'm not an Admin. Admins have that underneath their name where on mine it just says senior member, which is only because my post count is above the point that status updates to (1200 posts I think).

Some people dislike certain posting styles, it can indicate someone who is spiralling as previously mentioned. You will see Elen mentioned this before on one of your other threads but like she said it wasn't a criticism, it was out of concern.

Some people have also indicated that constant posting is triggering but to be honest, the whole place is but perhaps it's something to consider. Some people just create a support thread and post daily. But bumping can be seen as inpatient so please try to remember that even though you are upset.

We do get trolls too, sadly although I'm less are of them. I will about I chase the seller around to report them to Admin because I've been stung by them in my vulnerable days.

If you are concerned about something rather than panicked, it makes sense to indicate it so people realise you are enquiring bit beware of the need to seek reassurance. It's obvious you aren't ready for Google yet so I can understand why you would rather ask here and I'm not sure why it has been suggested to use Google rather than here.

Please start your CBT and use tools & techniques to question your thoughts, like Thought Records, but try to do things to bring your overall levels of anxiety down add it will probably decrease the intensity of your HA worries whether that's getting some exercise or spending time with loved ones.

In reality, isn't everyone on here needing support from a professional? Some more than others but none of us are trained so we just muddle on trying to do our best. Admin are limited themselves other than appealing to people or taking a deleting action like on any forum.

17-03-16, 23:36
I think mine is a panic trigger.

This blood in spit debacle is odd for me so my emotions are triggered to panic and fear and concern. So I'm on here straight away. I wish there was a chat option.

17-03-16, 23:39
I know Reb - we should have an anxiety facebook!

18-03-16, 00:12
There is a chat room on here, I don't use it so don't know much about it. There is a closed Facebook NMP too but I don't use FB at all so don't know what goes on in there.

When this happens try to rationalise it. A Thought Record is a CBT template that works for this. It asks you to provide evidence for your worry and then you apply counter evidence and come up we a new closing statement. Like everything else it can take time to see improvement but writing things down and challenging them will keep your conscious mind working the way it should rather then focusing on the panic element and all the bad stuff.

Even coughing up a bit of blood is nothing and Paul gave some good examples early on why we may burst a minor blood vessel during some conditions or just from too much shouting, coughing, throat clearing, etc.

18-03-16, 00:37
I know Reb - we should have an anxiety facebook!

There actually is a FB page made up of mostly former members of NMP focused on recovery. Posts about fears and symptoms (within reason) are censored.

Positive thoughts

---------- Post added at 20:37 ---------- Previous post was at 20:15 ----------

Fishman is very kind and blunt with his response, he/she understands like a sort of parent (sorry if you read and you aren't that old) I do require just a 'yeah, normal' which ok, I guess is reassurance.

Reb... the fishman in my name suggests my gender ~lol~ And yes, I am "that" old ~lol~ I have a daughter older than you that suffers from anxiety and depression. So when I see someone like you, it pains me because you shouldn't be suffering like you are. And with all honesty, using the forum as a note pad for your irrational thoughts (often several threads a day) is probably not the best way to approach your anxiety. The book you have on CBT should have something like a thought diary you can use. Create a MS Word doc and write down your thoughts there. Wait a few hours and go back and read them. If, at that point, you're still really that concerned, post. To come and post every little irrational thought and look for reassurance is detrimental to you and frustrates members (including myself) as it's very apparent you're not taking any of the advice on board regardless of what you say. I've been on these boards long enough to know when someone is seriously spiraling and beyond the scope of help that words on a forum can provide and you're at that point as are several others.

Take a break Reb. You're truly not at 90%. You really do need some help. Find a Yoda (therapist) and get some help.

I truly hope you hear these words and they sink in. It's for your own well being.

Positive thoughts

18-03-16, 07:39
I just wanted o know if anyone would find this concerning - as said no cough or chest pains. I don't smoke. K don't know what I'm worrying about. Tongue feels sore, throat feels phlegmy this morning. Scared it'll happen again today.

18-03-16, 09:44
These things happen, Reb. Given you have some soreness around there, mucus, etc it could easily be connected and be like Paul was saying.

What you have to consider is your post history. People often move from one worry to another and start connecting the dots to an illness they don't have. But they forget that last week they were doing the same about something else, the week before something else, and so on. How likely is it for us to go from one serious illness to another in the space of a week? We would have to be the most unlucky people to have ever lived!

Just to be clear, the Facebook group for NMP is not the recovery group also mentioned, that was set up by a member of here to focus more on recovery as this board wasn't working for some people. I've referred a few people off there myself as they wanted to talk more about recovery.

In this link you will find templates for Thought Records to save you having to draw your own up if they are not in with your book. There is a HA specific one too. Also, there is a CCI workbook for HA available if you scroll down and click on Health Anxiety under Problems.


On the subject of frustration, I don't agree. Whilst some may find people not taking their advice to be frustrating, I almost expect it. Anxiety fights us all the way and we can only provide options, solutions and encouragement. The rest is always up to the person and I know how hard it can be to move forwards. It's not as simple as someone saying something on a forum, off you go and do it and abracadabra you are cured.

Giving advice is done without demands placed on the person, you give it freely. If you become frustrated, you need to look more at yourself because you can't go through life expecting everyone to always take your advice. And besides, how do we know we are even right? From the point of view of the person asking for the advice, they can get conflicting advice too.

Some members may become frustrated. Some. That doesn't speak for the whole forum and I don't see more than a handful of people posting in this thread anyway.

Another point is triggers. There are people on here who say the whole HA board is triggering. Not just this thread. So, lets dispense with this "for the good of the forum" stuff, like last time. Who's forum are we talking about? Unless everyone is giving their opinion, it's pure assumption what people think.

18-03-16, 11:04
Thanks for understanding.

The 90% ok I say in terms of not taking over my day or night (very rarely) and only being sent in panic when soemthing odd happens. Which I know is irrational and somehow I need to work on. Others are constantly worrying about one or several things. Others can't leave the house, occupied online and I'm not. I'm not saying my anxiety is better than there's are my constant posts ARENT normal or healthy but I panic, I head hear begrudgingly (I used to feel welcome) to see if any one can shed light.

I think we know who starred my posts now! Aha.

18-03-16, 11:44
These things happen sometimes, Reb. Don't let it put you off NMP, there are lots of lovely people on here. I don't get on with everyone but I've met too many wonderful people here, and made some good friends too, to throw it away over the odd argument here & there.

If you are able to contain your worry like that naturally, you may find Worry Periods helpful. I could never do this as my GAD was always 24/7.

I can't say I fully understand your 90% because to me that is someone nearly fully recovered (it will mean something different to us all though) and able to not require support in challenging their anxieties very much due to learning to tackle their triggers and perhaps others share misunderstanding here? We all have different severities and complexities anyway so as long as you are truthful & accepting of where you are at, that matters more.

18-03-16, 12:04
Reb, With respect, I have to question you being 90% "Ok". Like I said, I've been around a bit and have seen some pretty extreme scenarios and posters. The way you're jumping from one thing to another, often day by day really does indicate some serious spiraling. That and the subject matter as well (ex: arguing with your bf = BT?) makes it pretty obvious.

90% to me would mean you've pretty much put the "Empire" in it's place and may have a nagging niggle about one or two symptoms du jour that you still post about occasionally. I recall you saying you wanted to beat this on your own but even a Jedi had fellow Rebs fighting along side ;)

Just hope you find a way to feel better is all...

Positive thoughts

18-03-16, 12:51
I think I my have found a course; I have a sort of tongue sore of the underneath that feels sore and looks red. As I have been teeth grinding maybe ive caught tongue in night? Isn't seeking reassurance, is acting logical.

I don't use the percentage instate of recovery just personality sense. Like most of the day I'm me. Its only when I see or feel something odd I'm like full guns blazing straight to the worry mobile. It isn't a 24/7 thing.

Thanks for your responses and hope you're all well in yourselves

---------- Post added at 12:51 ---------- Previous post was at 12:22 ----------

I think I my have found a course; I have a sort of tongue sore of the underneath that feels sore and looks red. As I have been teeth grinding maybe ive caught tongue in night? Isn't seeking reassurance, is acting logical.

I don't use the percentage instate of recovery just personality sense. Like most of the day I'm me. Its only when I see or feel something odd I'm like full guns blazing straight to the worry mobile. It isn't a 24/7 thing.

Thanks for your responses and hope you're all well in yourselves