View Full Version : Swollen lymph nodes, tendon pain and more

17-03-16, 17:06
Hello all,

Since July 2015 I have been experiencing some bad luck with my health and was wondering if anyone could shed some light from their personal experience or just from what they've read. In July 2015 I got a swollen lymph node in my left groin. At first it was painful and made it so I could hardly walk. The pain eventually subsided but the node still remained. I called my pcp and went in for an appt. there she told me it was a "shoddy" lymph node but would send me for an ultrasound for confirmation. Ultrasound read that it was 1.5cm and reactive. To this day that lymph node remains. Bloodwork was drawn, full panel, and all was normal. Fast forward to February 2016 and I get 2 new lymph nodes on the right side of my groin. Followed by severe stomach pain. I am sent for more bloodwork, all normal, and abdominal, pelvic, and node ultrasound. All results came back unremarkable. Beginning February 23 I start itching uncontrollably. Mostly the itching is on my face and arms but it really is widespread across my body. I also developed an ear ache within the same week as the itching. This ear ache has now turned into a nightmare. It's still happening and also I believe is causing neck, shoulder, and back pain. The pain could be unrelated to the ear but it showed up about the same time. I have been to multiple doctors who tell me not to worry but I cannot help it as I am only 25 and am in severe pain. I know this is a lot of symptoms and may not be linked but if anyone could shed some light I would truly appreciate it. Thank you in advance!