View Full Version : Should i still be worried?/Advice

17-03-16, 17:16
At the weekend i found a small lump on my side (inside not on the outside). the next few days were spent in an anxiety tornado forever pressing and pushing the thing on my side and in the end my side swelled up. the day after the swelling more pain and a big bruise.

5 days after finding it i saw a doctor (today). he felt it and said it felt like just fatty tissue and was probably feeling bigger due to me pressing it so much. he said we could get it scanned to put my mind at ease.

Problem is i don't leave the house anymore, so in my mind i'm thinking he's not insisting on a scan in case it increases my anxiety (which has been very bad). he also said if it's still causing me anxiety or has gotten larger in a month we can get a scan done.

Which gives me a doubt that everything isn't all right and i'll be back where i started in a months time. DOUBT is never good in my mind.

I know this makes no sense and that if he felt there was something to be worried about he would insist on a scan but again DOUBT even the smallest amount is always unsettling for me.

I don't know what i'm hoping for with this post (apologies for the long post) advice i guess. thanks

17-03-16, 17:23
I think if he thought it was bad he would have insisted for it to be scanned. He wouldn't let something that worried him be put on hold just because you have anxiety. I don't think doctor would keep something from you just because you are anxious about it. Or they shouldn't.

17-03-16, 19:45
Iv had a lump on my chest for three years I still worry now and iv had scans. Mines not grown much at all in three years. Everyone tells me to trust the gp. If u think a scan will reassure u then get it done x

17-03-16, 19:51
Ask for a scan if it puts your mind at rest its worth it

05-08-16, 23:53
^Probably should have taken your advice :blush:

Nearly 5 months on and all of a sudden i've started to get anxious about the lump again. i keep getting this odd feeling near the lump but also feel i'm getting it on the other side at times too, it's almost certainly gas but it just gets my mind working overtime and thinking stupid thoughts.

I've even had family feel the lump to see what they think. both said it's nothing and hasn't changed since last time. It's not grown or changed from what i can feel.

Surely if it was anything serious it would have grown by now 5 months after i found it?

i guess i'm looking for reassurance like "you're an idiot, it would have grown by now!" or something. i don't want to see a doctor again and look stupid i kind of know there's nothing wrong but that little bit of doubt keeps creeping in :shrug:

10-09-16, 23:10
...and a month on i'm still anxious as hell. family are sick of talking to about it. i go in and out of thinking i'm fine/i'm not fine.

I'm still getting aches and not pain more just uncomfortable muscles across my side, not just where the lump/fatty tissue is but from front to back. i feel gassy but for some reason my mind won't let go of the thought i've got a tumour or something. sometimes i get pressure which feels like it's coming from behind the lump (again sounds like gas) i'm feeling absolutely lost, not enjoying anything i'm doing and not knowing what to do next.

No idea why i updated this just wanted to get it off my chest i suppose.

11-09-16, 00:12
It would have got loads bigger if it was any thing to worry about!!
You have proved to yourself that until you get it scanned you will carry on with the worry, do you think maybe you need to arrange that? Or would you rather another 6 months of worry and then get it done?????

11-09-16, 01:12
Anxiety makes our mind go crazy!
I had a lump in my throat and went to my GP, and she said it's just a bone. She referred me for an ultrasound even though she's sure that's just what it is. But she knows I won't feel fully confident until I have an ultrasound done.
And I thought I kept feeling pain in my throat, and it tightening, and every phantom feeling on the planet. Which I realize now was never there because there's nothing in my throat.

If a scan is what you need to be sure, then get it done. It's probably the only thing that will put your mind at ease.
And trust me when I say that a lot of the feelings you're getting, are probably not really there. You just think that thing is causing something worse

30-09-16, 01:40
It would have got loads bigger if it was any thing to worry about!!
Which is what i keep telling myself, i also haven't lost any weight in that time. 6 months surely it would have been a lot worse.

Still getting odd (i guess) gassy feelings on my right side and at times my left a kind of pressure and also feeling lumps (probably just other fat lumps) i'm not sure were always there. i'm taking wind-eze almost every day to try and get rid of the feeling, it'll go away for half the day or so but always come back. it could be my bed, i need a new one and there's a chance where it aches is directly in contact with a beam under the mattress.

I'm a lot calmer and have been for several weeks, i'm not obsessing and checking Dr.Google. i still get the thought in my head to see the Doctor (which is why i've checked this thread again, hoping people tell me it's been 6 months, you're fine, stop being an idiot etc) just for a check up to make sure but i also feel i have to beat the worry this time and seeing a doctor is the easy way out.

Thanks for your replies, apologies for the delayed reply. :)