View Full Version : I've felt dizzy for the last 5 days.

18-03-16, 00:19
Hi guys,

Has anyone felt slightly dizzy especially when moving around or turning your head for a couple days in a row?

Could this be related to having my monthly cycle? Ugh I hate dizziness! I always worry it's because of my blood pressure but I'm too afraid to even get that checked. Anyone else feel like this?

18-03-16, 00:21
It could be related to your period, I get dizzy if I am ever on heavily (TMI sorry!)

18-03-16, 00:23
Hi Jenn,

You've been having various dizziness symptoms for the last three years in many scenarios. I'd have to say at this point, you would almost, with all certainty, attribute it to anxiety.

Positive thoughts

18-03-16, 00:40
Hello Silver,
Thanks for the reply! I'm thinking its that, it started happening the day before it came.

Hey Fishman,
Oh I know, but it still drives me nuts and makes me worry that it's something sinister. :(

18-03-16, 10:16
My thoughts with dizziness is that if it feels the same, and it has been happening for a number of years (mine did, but now I have felt it drop significantly from light dizziness most the day to virtually nothing) then usually it is related to anxiety or stress and anxiety.

Stress can have a MASSIVE effect on our bodies. I've only realised the past few years how it can ruin your life if you let it, which leads to anxiety, physical anxiety, then health anxiety!

Since I have calmed down somewhat, my dizziness has virtually stopped.

It seems to be a very common and quite upsetting part of anxiety. If I recall this correctly, stress and anxiety also affect your blood pressure. Blood pressure changes can also cause issues...like dizziness, tingling, etc.

Try not to worry! It's hard but it is the only way :)