View Full Version : Feel like i can't breathe, starting to panic :(

18-03-16, 00:55
Hey everyone, to cut a long story short i am sitting on my bed feeling like i can't breathe, i know i am breathing though i just feel like i can't breathe in for as long as i usually do if that makes sense? I just feel like something bad is going to happen :( can someone please give me some help/advice? Thank you.

18-03-16, 12:45
Hi Ross, it sounds like you're experiencing intense anxiety. Try to remember that all it is is anxiety, it can't hurt you. Your body will get the oxygen it needs.

Try to count as you breathe. Count as you breathe in, trying to reach a higher number with each breath.

Try to find a distraction - watch something funny on TV or online. I find watching youtube videos of dogs a good distraction. Unfortunately this kind of anxiety can come on when it's late and you're alone and I don't think that's the best time to try to explore your anxious thoughts, I think distraction can work better.