View Full Version : hello

04-03-07, 11:34
hello iam josh from porstsmouth iam 38 and i suffer from panic attacks.

Dan D
04-03-07, 11:57

my Dad lives in portsmouth... where abouts?

Here, you'll get lots of support and help to overcome the panic attacks.

04-03-07, 12:41
hiya there josh , how are you today, welcome, hope you get lots of support and understanding, I know you will. take care skylight

04-03-07, 13:20
Hi thanks iam from hayling island but up in kent at the mo with my sister in law.thanks for the welcomes.

Dan D
04-03-07, 13:24
Ah, Hayling island. I used to be down there constantly as a young kid; that arcade! Me and my Dad used to do markets down there before it was shut off.

04-03-07, 19:30
Hello Josh,
Another Dan here to say hello too! Evem more coincidentally I know Pompey too. I lived in Eastney during the late 80's because my Dad was stationed there. I'm new to this site so your not the only new person. Take care, Dan.

04-03-07, 20:15
Hi Josh,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

04-03-07, 20:17
Hi Josh

Welcome - I hope to speak to you soon


04-03-07, 23:26
:wistupid: Josh

Hi there

I understand you are Mazz's brother-in-law and are staying with her and suffered panic attacks for 9 years.

I am surprised she recommended the site to you after what she said to me last night but maybe we can help you.

I think Mazz has decided to leave us so maybe you will stay?

Strange that you never came on before but have now that Mazz is banned for 2 days and on the same PC as well. Oh well welcome aboard.

Oh and posting in the forums you did will not allow to play the games. Maybe a few more pointless posts will do it?

Do I look :wistupid:

05-03-07, 02:29
Hi Josh
you should find some really good advice on here as i have...I am of similar age to you (37) and also suffer from panic attacks and anxiety.

Be safe

05-03-07, 07:50
Nic i find that a bit hard to accept.Iam with Mazz for the next week and after that i will be using my own pc.She has been banned yes but only after you called her sad!!!After a row between yourselves. which i read myself yesterday and you even agreed it was,nt nice.As admin do you think you could give her a break .The whole reason she uses this site is for support and we have had to come up to kent to be with her .Iam losing money and time to be with her and i wanted to check out this so called friendly site myself .
She now is being called a lair which really isnt helping .

05-03-07, 08:09
Oh ps can you also stop e mailing her i think you will find that harrassment!

05-03-07, 14:22
Actually that wasn't why she was banned - as you well know!

I think that you will find I was the one being harrassed in chat and told that I HAD to help her and it was my JOB to do that. Apparently I only help the ones I like and "it is a clicky waste of time like 12 other people have said". Didn't get any names though funnily enough

I apologised to Mazz for saying "she was sad" (of course you need to read that in the context of the conversation we had) but I don't see her apologising to me and she was well out of order with what she said both about this site and me personally.

If you want to stay then you are more than welcome. If Mazz wants to come back then she is welcome too but maybe we will give each other a wide berth in chat (I am only usually in on a Saturday anyway so that won't be hard).

I also hope that you have a good week with Mazz and are able to help her out with some of her problems.

05-03-07, 17:42
Dear Nic
Thank you for your reply.
I appreciate what you are saying and I have liaised with Mazz on your behalf. Her reply is as follows, in her own words:

"It is with regret that I inform you that I no longer wish to be a member of No More Panic.
I feel very let down by yourself and although I appreciate the apology for the insults you fired at me, I don't think I can forgive them under the circumstances.
As many people do, I came to this website seeking help and assistance with some anxiety and depression problems. On the night I was banned I was very vulnerable and in need of support and some advice. My request unfortunately was not responded to.
I expect that this post will be deleted, as from what I have seen any personal opinions are being regularly suppressed on this website. Any criticism is treated incredibly harshly. Freedom of speech is only free here as long as no one ventures a comment about the moderators. I dare say the moderators have a difficult job and I accept that, with thanks for the job they have done. However, I think a valid complaint should be dealt with by the person it was made to.
I have made some good friends here, and I am thankful for that and I am appreciative of your offer to stay but I am unable to forget the abusive comments you made at a time when I desperately needed help.
To everyone else that knows me here, I thank you for your friendship and support but it is time for me to move on. I would not be happy here "staying clear of Nic" and hardly think this is a solution to this problem. Surely avoidance is something we all know does not work!

As for myself, I have only just started getting help for my panic attacks and all of this seems incredibly petty especially after talking to some people here with quite serious health concerns. I do not need to add to my problems! As a result I doubt I will return. I have seen this squabbling and clique forming on other websites. Sadly, it seems that bullying exists in the virtual world as well as the real one.

05-03-07, 17:51
Hi Josh
I just want to say that Mazz helped me a lot when I first came here and I will really miss her. Please send her my love and tell her to email me whenever she needs a chat.

05-03-07, 18:11

Thanks for the message from Mazz.

People don't know what went on between Mazz and I in chat on Saturday and they don't really need to know. Those that were in will know some of the things she said anyway.

However, I was trying to watch the moon changing as it is a rare event and only happens every 7 years.

I was told that because I was doing that and not paying attention to Mazz (who was talking in main chat) that I didn't care about her and her problems.

I was told it was my job to look after everyone and not spend time looking at the moon! Surely I am allowed to go in and chill with people and not spend all night helping others? There were loads in that could have helped but Mazz chose to blame me for everything.

I was actually very upset and hurt by the comments Mazz made but now she is making out it is all my fault.

One thing I can't stand is deceit and there is definitely something very suss going on here and I stand by that claim.

Anyway - there is no point going over this again.

I wish you both well.

05-03-07, 18:34
Hey Josh, welcome to no more panic. Im new as well to no more panic but ive been reading alot of the posts for the past few months. Everyone on here seems very helpful and understanding.

05-03-07, 18:34
Elo Josh,
Welcome to the site..great support n advice here..glad to hav ya on board.x

Pink Princess
06-03-07, 00:07
hey josh, welcome to the site. hope you find it useful. lots of support ehre, take kare x x x x