View Full Version : Question for the wiser here

18-03-16, 13:38
How do you convince yourself to trust your doctor's judgement when the methods used to diagnose that nothing sinister is going on is limited to symptom discussion and a stethoscope?

18-03-16, 13:50
Being "wise" is subjective :)

It's difficult to answer your question not knowing what was discussed or your specific concern but based on your initial post and being checked regularly by several doctors, I would think they're basing their behavior and diagnosis on recently performed exams and tests and don't deem any further action required.

For example: If it was heart related and you had blood work, EKGs etc. done recently and all was well, there's no need for further action and a listen to your heart and lungs would affirm the test results.

Positive thoughts

18-03-16, 14:02
Yes Fishman, I guess adding context is important. You are correct that there where a few visits over time before this last one, with a blood test performed as recently as 5 months ago.

What I was specifically worried about is my upper back pain, which seems to have become a bit more aggravated since. As an ex smoker I relayed my concerns about what is usually associated with this sort of pain. She listened to my lungs and didn't feel the need to take testing a step further, suggesting I try anti-inflammatories for what she feels is a muscle related.

I guess I should be happy with that, but I'm not sure I am. On the other hand, from an anxiety standpoint, pushing for tests she deems unnecessary may send me in to a deeper spiral, so I'm trying to find the logic in accepting her diagnosis for now

18-03-16, 14:29
That's the nature of HA. Doubting medical professionals and tests, looking for the one story on Google where the Dr. missed the diagnosis etc. are the norm for many I'm afraid.

I actually have heart disease and I'm a cancer survivor. I see my cardiologist every 6 months and my cancer team every 6 months to a year. Nothing is going to change that drastically in that time and if it did, it would be quite obvious. I celebrate with an all clear and no additional testing :)

Positive thoughts,

18-03-16, 14:46
I know Fish. With all you've been through, the fact that you're here to offer your experiences to help users get through the struggles of HA is commendable