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View Full Version : Worried about Mouth Ulcer

18-03-16, 14:30
I'm 23, never smoked, don't drink to excess. I have been unwell recently and developed ulcers under the tongue and one inside my inner lip, as well as what I can only describe as 'freckle' like dot on the tongue which brushed off within a day or two. I went on google, (worst idea) and it suggested mouth cancer. I freaked out, went to an emergency doctors appointment and she seemed unphased, I had an actual appointment booked about my anxiety getting worse for this Tuesday which I also showed him the ulcers and he too wasn't worried. Most of them have cleared up, however I've had one in my inner lip at the top near my front teeth for nearly two weeks and its beginning to worry me. I've been using salt water and it doesn't seem to be doing anything, it doesn't hurt but I have had some pain in my teeth and jaw which the doctor thought was just tension. I've now got a freckle like mark in my inner lip too. I mentioned I was worried and all of these symptoms and he just wasn't concerned, suggested bonjela and said the marks could just be an infection. But I'm really beginning to panic which I know is probably the worst thing to do....any help would be greatly appreciated...

22-03-16, 09:38
When I was at my worst with anxiety and panics, I was getting about 3 new ulcers a week, no matter how well I brushed my teeth or how good I ate. The ones that took the longest to heal for me were always the tongue ones. I had one on my tongue that didn't 100% heal for nearly 2 months. I ran to the docs after it didn't go away within 3 weeks and they said it was absolutely fine and caused by me being run down and my canine tooth kept rubbing off it but me being me, it was tongue cancer in my eyes. I spent so many nights worrying about it and losing sleep and causing myself even more ulcers because I was so run down from no sleep and worrying. I tried all the creams, salt water etc and nothing made a difference. One day I just decided **** it and I forced myself not to take pics of it to compare how it was a day before, I refused to look at it in the mirror, I forced myself to eat normally like I didn't have it, tried to sleep as much as I can and all that jazz and within 3 days, it had healed totally. The ulcer wasn't painful after the first week and a half so that made me even more sure it was cancer as I read that a lot of oral cancers aren't painful. I was 21 at the time and never really smoked and rarely drank as well.

22-03-16, 14:48
Thank you for replying. Mine have been here for two weeks now, been to two doctors and debating whether I need to go back tomorrow. I had avoided looking but I've started thinking about them again. Had one on my inner bottom lip that went within 3 days and these are still there, 3 under the tongue and one in between front teeth. :/ no idea if I'm rationally worried or if it's stupid anxiety

20-07-16, 00:21

I was just wondering what was your outcome?

20-07-16, 13:48
I noticed an ulcer, just like the one you describe, like a pimple inside my mouth, near to the gum area about 3 months ago. It freaked me out, so I went to see my dentist who gave me something called Gengi gel which is used to treat ulcers and infections in the mouth, but could also be used to help soothe sensitive gums. After a couple of weeks of using it 2-3 times a day, it's almost entirely gone now. I'm sure you've got nothing to worry about. Anxiety makes any physical symptom worse. :)

20-07-16, 13:58
I found that bacteria for your immune system (contained in Actimel yogurt drinks, for example) where really good for my ulcers. I stopped getting them as often as I did but when i did get them they were less ferocious and healed up much quicker.

20-07-16, 14:02
Kuatir, did your ulcers ever go away completely, if you don't mind me asking? I still feel a small bump in my mouth, but it's not as red and definitely not as big as it was months ago.

20-07-16, 14:08
They go away eventually. I have had some that lasted for ages and made part of my mouth inflamed for some time after the main part had disappeared. I have recently had two (for the first time in, i'd guess, well over a year) and they have gone, but I can feel a bump where one of them was. I know it will go away though.

20-07-16, 15:43
Ah right, I see. Thank you for your reply. :)