View Full Version : I Fainted.

18-03-16, 15:30
I organise a group lunch for people once a month and today we were at a big posh hotel but the hotel organisation was rubbish so it was a bit stressful, there were 23 of us crammed in a small room that was hot and I had eaten two courses of rich hot food when I went to speak to someone else and was standing talking when all of a sudden out of the blue I went really really faint, I managed to get back to my chair but hit the table in a faint just for a second although it took about 5 mins for me to stop feeling faint. i also felt very very sick and managed to get to the loo and be sick and then the faintness went away.

I know it wasn't my heart as I have an implanted heart recorder in my chest as I sometimes get a funny heartbeat that makes me feel faint but this was totally different and I downloaded the info to the heart hospital when I got home off the implant and they said it was fine so the faint was not connected to my heart problem ( super ventricular tachycardia ) so thats good news but what caused the faint????????????

For past few weeks I have had terrible twitching of my face ( lips and eye) and both legs and one arm and I feel as if my legs and feet are vibrating i a tingle all the time.

I am now scared to stand up in case it happens again:wacko:

18-03-16, 15:43
Sorry to hear this Countrygirl. :hugs:

I am not a Doctor, but I would link the fainting to the sickness, as you felt better once you had been sick. You mention that you were eating hot food, but not what it was?

The twitching is common anxiety; I get all that you have mentioned, so I don't think it was that. You may have been hyperventilating due to the over crowded room and feeling hot, mixed with the hot food as well???

18-03-16, 15:49
I did wonder about the food as well. I was not anxious or overbreathing at the time but I had eaten hot soup which was very rich and then had a rich vegetarian mushroom dish. I have a very strict diet usually and this was an awful lot more than I would normally eat and very rich for me.

I have awful bad back which has been really bad for past month from neck to bum which has been very stressful as it impacts so much on my life and I am in constant pain sometimes so bad I cannot walk which then makes my anxiety even worse.

18-03-16, 16:14
Were you possibly dehydrated?

18-03-16, 16:45
Not likely as I had drunk glass and half of water during the meal and had drunk my usual amount of liquid that I always do in a morning before I left the house.
I have been thirsty since but I think the soup had alot of salt in it.

Catherine S
18-03-16, 17:20
Sounds like it was a combination of things, hot room, spicy food and the fact that you were aware the meeting wasn't as good as you'd have liked it to be, so add that bit of stress to the mix and it explains much. Fainting is just a safety mechanism, even though it's a horrible experience. Good to know your heart wasn't to blame too. Try not to worry too much about the fainting.

Take care