View Full Version : Oh gosh in back toilet issue now :-(

18-03-16, 17:31
Oh god I've read the toilet issues and they've never really affected me , I've been constipated for a few days and today I forced myself to go , well there was bright red blood on the actual stool and on the tissue , I'm scared it's the obvious and now scared to go to the loo x

18-03-16, 17:42
How did you force yourself to go?

Not to be vulgar, but if you were straining or your stool was large/hard it's probably just a fissure as a result. Totally harmless.

18-03-16, 17:44
Well without being crude lol I literally forced it (I cannot believe I'm posting about my toilet habits lol you gotta laugh about health anxiety ) what worries me is it was in the toilet as well as on the tissue x

18-03-16, 17:47
(I cannot believe I'm posting about my toilet habits lol you gotta laugh about health anxiety )

OMG! This is NOTHING compared to other "poo" threads! ~lol~

Positive thoughts

18-03-16, 17:49
Ha ha ha I know they've always made me laugh and now im stressing over the same things ����

18-03-16, 18:44
Hey, from what I've heard, bright red blood in your stools a hardly ever related to anything more serious than a fissure as it normally means it's come from further down if it's bright red. Blood in stool that you want to get checked out is usually dark red and tarry blood. This type of blood is indicative of blood that has come from further up, I.e. bowells.

You were constipated and forced yourself to go which fits nicely with the fissure theory. In short, stop worrying :)

18-03-16, 19:02
Thanks I'm trying I really am , but my minds running away with thoughts , I've been doing soooo well lately then something happens that makes me realise I'm far from on the mend :-( x

18-03-16, 23:17
Past 3 times I use the bathroom has been black. I did eat almost a whole box of cocoa pebbles few days ago. It still freaks me out though. Also today I wiped few times then tried to wipe really hard couple times and looked like little red specs on the side of toilet paper. As red as if you cut your finger. Sorry this is weird to talk about but idk what to think. Mine has also been really hard to get out past couple of days. Like straining.

I just want my poop to go back to normal color. Should I be worried or is it possible the cereal changed the color. When I say I almost ate the whole box I mean all but half a bowl.
My brother said if it was blood on side of toilet paper then it wouldn't have came out of my insides being bright red like that on one little side. When the rest came out black, greenish brownish. I didn't see any in the toilet or on the stools.

19-03-16, 00:00
Increase your water intake to 1.5 litres a day and try some natural fibre like Normacol or slippery elm powder in hot water... these measures should fix the constipation and subsequent bleeding. L

19-03-16, 00:47
then something happens

Don't allow any SH^% to get you down ;) Really though... you forced yourself to poo and got yourself a fissure or hemmie. Use your common sense here. It can't be sinister. Just don't do it again. Hydrate more and/or use a mild OTC laxative.

Positive thoughts and poo threads

19-03-16, 05:49
Pretty much one of the biggest causes of roids, straining. It could also be a fissue as explained earlier.

I've had roids for nearly 20 years now and straining will cause them to inflame. Then you rub them with toilet paper and irritate them further. You get specks or streak of blood.

You have two big clues in here 1) constipation and 2) straining. Both of those very easily slot into fissue or roids. Any itching? Soreness? Mucus even? Feeling of discharge in underwear, like being very sweaty, at times? I know I get all that in roids flare ups.

19-03-16, 06:39
Thanks everybody for taking the time to reply, today is a new day I will try and be more positive x