View Full Version : swollen lymph node...update

18-03-16, 19:21
Hi again,

Sorry for the 2nd post about this. I just really need some support and insight...

20 year old female. 5'2, 144 lbs, I seem to be pretty healthy.

I got the results back from my ultrasound today, and my swollen, painless lymph node measures about 1.8cm x 1.6cm x 1.1 cm (I don't have the report, but I'm pretty sure this is what the doctor told me). It's on the left side of my neck, feels pretty firm and it seems moveable but I can't really tell anymore. I've been trying not to touch it.

The radiologist who did my ultrasound recommended a CT head/neck scan for further testing because I guess they couldn't really tell what was up. I'm an absolute mess out about this and have been in tears all morning stressing out. I am terrified I have some form of lymphoma because I've read about people having lymphoma for awhile without knowing, or showing any other symptoms. In high school, I knew a girl who actually passed away from lymphoma at 14 or 15, and it is all I'm thinking about. I am so scared and don't really know how to think rationally about this. When she said I should have the scan, I just started crying. I asked my doctor if, in her professional opinion, she was concerned, and she said "not until the CT scan". What does this mean? Generally the overall vibe was that she didn't seem THAT concerned because I kept asking questions but I couldn't help but think she was acting a little strange because she knows my anxiety is up the wall and perhaps she didn't want to worry me that much. What's the point of having an ultrasound if they can't tell whats wrong and are just going to refer a CT scan, unless something really IS wrong?

I tested positive for strep without showing any normal symptoms (no fever, no sore throat) on Monday and am now on my 4th day of antibiotics. Usually I would attribute the swollen lymph node to this but because it doesn't hurt at all is concerning. My doctor took some blood for blood tests and gave me a referral for the CT head/neck scan but it's probably going to be a little wait before I can get the scan. Why would my doctor, knowing I tested for strep, have me do a CT scan and take blood if she wasn't concerned? I haven't even finished my antibiotics, don't doctors usually wait until then to see how my body took to them? I understand it's "just in case", and of course I want to be on the safe side, but I don't think most people get a blood test and a referral for a very expensive scan every time they have a swollen lymph node from strep. I'm even convinced that I didn't actually even have strep. I am so scared, guys. I can't function. It's so hard to focus "on the bright side" because it doesn't feel like there is one.

What is your interpretation of this? Is this a normal way to go about this sort of thing? What should I expect for a CT scan?

18-03-16, 20:32
I understand your concern but unfortunately you just have to go with the flow until you get through the testing. One step at a time. No one can speculate what's going on tbh. It sounds like the doctors are doing what good doctors do and that's covering their bases. And let's face it, it's often a no-win situation as anxiety sufferers would feel fobbed off if they dismissed it as nothing and freak when they get the tests they want!

I've had strep without the sore throat and only a low grade fever. I woke up and the whole side of my neck was swollen (nodes etc.). I tested positive for strep and like you, put on antibiotics. It took a week or two but the swelling did go down.

Let us know how things go.

Positive thoughts

21-03-16, 18:44
update: the node seems to be going down, but I'm not positive though. I'm on day 7/10 for my antibiotics, and I haven't really been touching it lately..

my doctor called and said my blood tests were all good, but my ultrasound has to be submitted for a review to my insurance company to see if they will cover the CT scan. is this standard procedure? if so, is it to see if my ultrasound results look serious enough to have a CT scan?

21-03-16, 19:01
Manda my situation is exactly the same. Swollen lymph nodes in my neck so I'm having a ct scan. They spoke about the possibilities of it being lymphoma �� I'm a wreck xx

21-03-16, 19:05
hi sammie13s,
so sorry to hear what you're going through...it's such a terrifying feeling.

whats been going on with you? and did you have an ultrasound/blood tests?

21-03-16, 20:21
Iv had blood tests. All normal. But iv gone from 9 stone to 7 and a half stone in a matter of weeks. Start as afew swollen lymph nodes in my neck. And my neck has become sore. Not the lymph nodes the neck itself. First step is the scan and then a biopsy. Why they can't just do the biopsy now I don't no. I'm 30. Female and a smoker for 19 years ������