View Full Version : Anxiety Roller coaster

19-03-16, 03:35
It's been a long week. Last week was also a long week. I don't get anxiety. I'm not working now so I'm stuck at home most days. Some days I wake up anxious it's uncomfortable but it's nothing new (I had this a couple years ago and recently it's returned). In the afternoon I've been getting so anxious to the point of tears (intrusive thoughts suck). I'm so tired of crying. But by nighttime I'm fine for the most part. I do all of the cooking and it's one the few times I can actually focus without getting distracted. It's like a temporary break from it all. But I go to sleep and I wake up and it's starts all over again.

22-03-16, 16:02
Are you alone during the day? And in the evening in company? A few times when I've been out of work or a bad year when I was 17 and not in education, it's sent my anxiety sky high. Stuck indoors with nothing but your own thoughts can send the sanest of people a bit anxious or depressed. If you don't already, try going for a walk or doing some kind of exercise to get you out of the house. Anxiety also isn't a permanent feeling, we all have good days and worse days. I suspect not working might have triggered it. Hope this helps x