View Full Version : Brain Zaps Seizures?

19-03-16, 08:47
Ive been having this weird things for about 2 years best i can say is feels like my head gets shocked im totally aware of whats happening. I sometimes even get up to run around to make sure im not passing out. Im worried this are mini seizures and maybe i have a brain tumor causing them of course the brain tumor im worried about is glioblastoma multiforme =(. I dont take any meds except propecia hair medicine for my hairline =(. I took about maybe 3 antidepressants in my entire life so i dont think thats it. I also have been taking 2 melatonin before bed for about 8 months once again dont think its related. So is what im experiencing likely mini seizures or what at the moment i just had one which is why im here typing this. Sitting in a chair watching tv and boom random head shock.

19-03-16, 21:29
Or it could just be a symptom of anxiety. I get these type of sensations when i relax to fall asleep in bed at night, I first started with them 15 years ago after almost being killed in a car accident. I was told they were anxiety induced as my body was so tense in the day and as you relax you get surge of anxiety hormones in the brain causing a sensation like an electric shock coupled with a falling sensation but no body movement. I find that I get them really badly if I get over tired in either body or mind.

20-03-16, 02:02
They're frequently seen as a side effect of certain medications - do you change doses, or forget to take doses, on a regular basis?

As Countrygirl said, they can also be linked to anxiety. Speak to your doctor if you're worried, but if it was anything serious, you would probably have found out long ago.

20-03-16, 09:13
I'm worried this are mini seizures and maybe i have a brain tumor causing them of course the brain tumor im worried about is glioblastoma multiforme

You've been having them for 2 years. Untreated the survival rate is median 3 months. So, there is absolutely no chance of the type of the brain cancer you are worried about, which is the worst one, another indicator of HA for me in picking the worst outcome.

The survival rates even with surgery, chemo and radiation therapy are very low for 1-2 years so how likely would it be that you beat odds like that?

21-03-16, 06:40
I understand but i forgot to mention that i rember having these blood smell in one of my nostrils and there was no blood that really sent me into overdrive. This happend before i was even worried but now it all adds up and im now a total trainwreck ive got myself dead and buried from glioblastoma already. I have spent 20 something hours googling every case of glioblastoma around my age. Including all incidence rates per age etc its been very bad. I mean i have had pancreatic cancer, leukemia, fatal familial insomnia, colon cancer, lymphoma but this one feels like the real deal due to the horrible survival. Its also becoming a promblem cause i cant get out of bed or eat its been 2 days since i last ate as i said im really messed up. My brain is literally sure i have this horrible disease its gone as far as im having thoughts saying oh well your going to live one year get over it. 12 years of servere anxiety and servere ocd whitch 4 members of my family have btw and this is the worst yet. This one feels like its really true and its making that fear respsone go into overdrive. I cant even leave the bed because my mind is telling me whats the point im dying soon anyway i kid you not. This cant be normal thinking what 21 year old kid thinks this negativly and at this point its not thinking im sure i have it. I went to the hospital and told the er doctor that i have this disease im sure of it i mean 100 percent sure. He gave me a bunch of neuro examination test and would not do a scan. I dont know anymore honestly im at rock bottom.

21-03-16, 06:59
I have spent 20 something hours googling every case of glioblastoma around my age. Including all incidence rates per age etc its been very bad. I mean i have had pancreatic cancer, leukemia, fatal familial insomnia, colon cancer, lymphoma but this one feels like the real deal due to the horrible survival.

Didn't they also feel incredibly real to you at the time? But you got over those worries. Surely they caused loads of anxiety & panic? The fact you may feel worse at this point could point towards the severity of your anxiety disorder increasing, not that this current worry means more than previous ones.

If you have spent 20+ hours looking at every case, then have you found a single person who has lived 2 years without treatment? With a median of 3 months, that would surely be a medical miracle?! The survival rates even with medical treatment are incredibly low post 1-2 years. So, how is it that you are so incredibly lucky to be beating all the odds that not even courses of chemo, surgery and radiation therapy can match in most cases?

Do you see what I mean?

You say your subconscious is giving you thoughts about living one extra year? How is that possible though given the above? Why a year? This is the most aggressive form of brain cancer so having a prognosis of a year left after already beating the odds to have had 2 years untreated, would be astronomical odds, a good indicator of anxiety based thinking to me.

Taking steps to access support would be the best thing to be doing right now. Spin the thoughts the other way and tell yourself there is nothing to lose by accessing support.