View Full Version : Hives

19-03-16, 12:27
About 2 weeks ago I noticed hives all over my legs - literally came up randomly. Since then they have gotten worse, and increased in redness and itchiness. I have seen the doctors twice, once when it first came up to check what it actually was, and again a few days ago as they had not gone. I feel like I am completely stuck, and nothing is working to get rid of them. I have to go back in two weeks again to have bloods done if they haven't gone but it is making me increasingly anxious.

Two nights ago the day I had seen the doctor I woke up in the middle of the night throwing up, for seemingly no reason. My mum reckons that it was a stress reaction due to a coursework deadline the next day, and just general stress, but my health anxiety is having none of it.

Stupidly, I looked on google and it said that hives could indicate something far more serious such as a chronic illness, or even cancer. Cancer has stuck in my mind due to this, and I cannot shake this feeling. The rash on its own might've been okay, but being sick just completely topped those fears and now I feel like I am dying, and have been undiagnosed. I am not really sure how to proceed from this because I feel completely stuck, with the hives not easing up and just getting worse.

Ever since the hives episode began I have also been feeling dizzy, lightheaded and headachey - but this could be anxiety related. AHHH.

Catherine S
19-03-16, 12:57
When my daughter was studying for her A-levels she developed some kind of rash all over her arms, legs and body...but not on her hands feet or face, but no treatment given cleared it up and her doctor was completely baffled, took bloods for infection but that was clear, and many foul-smelling creams later the rash was still there. It disappeared around 6 weeks later and to this day we're non the wiser. She went on to university and now works for a law firm, so her exams are on going but has never had anything like that rash since then. She's a worrier by nature and can get stressed sometimes and maybe it was her body's reaction to the stress at that time, because around this time in her life she was revising so much I had to make her take breaks to eat, and one day she fainted...again never happened before or since, but a combination of exam stress and low blood sugar resulted in a faint. Stress can affect us in many ways.

My daughter's 28 now by the way, happy and healthy, and you will be too. Whatever your rash is, it's unlikely to be anything serious. Three little words of advice...Please stop googling!

Take care