View Full Version : Heart anxiety is back

19-03-16, 15:14
Yesterday my heart seemed like it was racing and beating really hard. It was about 100 bpm. It feels tight and kinda warm in the middle and I can't seem to catch my breath.my whole body feels shaky but I'm not sure I'm really shaking. I was at cardiologist a year ago and he said everything was fine. I can't seem to calm down. I feel totally restless. Im trying to color but it's not really helping. I fell asleep fine last night and woke up and my heart was normal but right now I'm a wreck. Help me ��

19-03-16, 15:51
I have constant fear when it comes to my heart . I get chest pains and the strangest sensations in my chest. My heart rate can go up to 150 but I was told I have episodes of tachycardia after having holter monitor done. I am hyperaware of every little thing with my chest and heart area. Xxx

19-03-16, 16:12
It's terrible. It's a very stressful time in our life right now we are trying to buy s house and it's so scary and stressful. I'm dealing with a lot of stress from that. It's worse that it's not anything that is going to happen fast.?its going to take all summer because we want one built on our own land. I have no idea how I'm going to get through it. So many things needs to be done, permits and contracts with builders then the finances of it all. What if we can't afford it and end up losing our home? Where's the easy button?

19-03-16, 16:24
The fact your stressed isn t going to help. It's a horrible feeling to be constantly aware of every little feeling in chest cause it spirals into panic and worry over and over again. Xx

19-03-16, 17:13
Ya I just found an app that does meditation and it actually helped a lot. It talked about being on a boat and it really painted a great picture and then it had me hold a ball of anxiety and I gave it to this angelic being in the boat with me and she turned it to a bright clear ball and gave it back. Sounds weird but it was actually great lol.

21-03-16, 00:35
It's back again:/ 20 times worse. My grandma had a heart attack last night. My chest feels right and warm like I have a hot water bottle on it.i hate this!

21-03-16, 02:15
It's back again:/ 20 times worse. My grandma had a heart attack last night. My chest feels right and warm like I have a hot water bottle on it.i hate this!

How's your grandma doing?

Positive thoughts

21-03-16, 04:12
She's doing good. Hates bring in the hospital and they are doing a procedure tomorrow to see if her heart is ok. I can't help but be more afraid now. All her symptoms were things that happen to me. The chest pain and nausea. The things is nobody was going to call an ambulance! They were in total denial so I did it. She was fine one second the. She wasn't.

21-03-16, 05:11
Sending lots of love and hugs to you and your grandma!!

I'm going through the same thing at the moment, warm skin on chest and face, back and chest pains etc. also been coughing and yawning a lot, which I've read is a bad sign. BUT is also a sign of ANXIETY!! And stressing will make the symptoms worse Hun...i know you can't control it because you can't escape your body but in time it will pass. Message me if you ever need someone to chat to about symptoms, I've had them all haha xx

21-03-16, 11:32
Sending positive thoughts to your grandma.

Positive thoughts

21-03-16, 12:14
Thanks guys. Haven't heard if she can come home today. I really hope she can. We are sure she's trying to bribe the docs and nurses with cookies lol