View Full Version : I'm begging for help here

19-03-16, 15:17
Here are my symptoms
Talking to myself a lot
Questioning everything I do
Mind is on overdrive
De realisation
Feeling like I'm having a breakdown
The list is endless. My arm doesn't feel like it's mine and I'm questioning everything down to why am I eating this cereal? I can honestly say iv never felt this bad. I'm losing it. I can't cope. I'm scared of EVEYTHING. I'm stuck and I don't no what to do. Nothing seems real and to top it off I'm 6 weeks pregnant. I take 50mg of sertraline and start cbt this Wednesday but I can't continue to feel this way anymore. Help me please I'm begging and crying out. Please make all this in my head stop!!!!

19-03-16, 15:24
hun breathe im exactly the same at the moment going from symptom to the next i feel like im going insane its your aniexty and probly hormones your mind is on high alert i understand what you mean about not feeling like your in control of yourself im the same
dont feel alone your not going mad i promise

19-03-16, 15:27
Thankyou for the quick reply. My mind won't shut off.. Think think think, chatter chatter chatter it's driving me insane.. Fed up of feeling weird. I just want to unzip myself xx

20-03-16, 02:15
Have you ever considered you're really intelligent? And your mind won't shut up because it's bored and craves stimulation? Being stuck with anxiety means you could be cutting yourself off from the world. Maybe part of you realises that you could be getting a lot more out of life, and it's ready for it, but you're so used to living with anxiety that it blocks you from getting it. So you get frustrated and stressed and drive yourself even more mad. (And no, you won't lose your mind. It doesn't work like that!)

Another answer might be adhd, but there are more symptoms than just a racing mind if it's that.

20-03-16, 06:07
This sounds like you are in a more severe stage of anxiety. I can remember being like this 24/7 and it was relentless and I wanted to die because I just wanted the pain to end.

How long have you been on the Sertraline? Did this all come at the same time? Did any of it come at the same time? When did the agitation start? (agitation is a truly horrible symptom as many on here will understand)

Racing mind will be highly likely in such a heightened state. I don't think it's worth considering other conditions unless your GP believes so because this, and everything you have mentioned, can easily be anxiety and you have been on here for a while with ups & downs.

If any of this can be backtracked to starting or upping the Sert (see questions above) there could be a reason that can be addressed.

The issue with your arm does seem like DR to me. Questioning everything is a classic one for constant heightened anxiety. I can remember doing all that and questioning how to eat, go the toilet, am I feeling the correct sensation for what I am doing, etc. That's a high anxiety stage to me. I was very agitated during all that and it was obviously too much adrenaline for too long. I think either there may be an answer in your meds or they at least need addressing as they are doing nothing.

20-03-16, 15:31
Thankyou. It's started out as panic attacks because I felt like my arm was weak and wasn't mine. Then my mind goes into overdrive and I get agitated and can't shut my thoughts up. Questioning everything I do. Iv been on sertraline 50mg for about a year. Xx

21-03-16, 14:35
Terry?? Xx