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View Full Version : Has anyone ever missed a dose?

19-03-16, 16:03
Im almost positive that I took it last night, but I was so sleepy and I cant remember for sure and I dont want to accidentally double dose incase I did take it. Going to get a daily pill holder thing to help me with this today, but.. is this going to be detrimental to building up the pill in my blood or set me back?

19-03-16, 16:06
I've missed the odd one here and there and I was fine Hun x

19-03-16, 16:06
Yeah I missed a dose when I'd been on it for about 3 weeks. I actually felt brilliant lol! But just continued the next day as normal x

19-03-16, 16:34
Alright, thanks, I wont worry about it then. :)

19-03-16, 16:36
Technically I missed 5 days worth recently - I don't recommend that!

19-03-16, 17:45
Technically I missed 5 days worth recently - I don't recommend that!

Why is that?

19-03-16, 18:17
Why did I miss it or why do I not recommend it?
I'll answer both :)
I didn't take it for 5 days because I simply didn't want to be on it. I was feeling a bit better so I told my GP I didn't want to carry on because I didn't like the side effects & I wanted to try doing without it. She told me to just stop immediately because I'd only been on it a month.
What followed was 5 days of absolute hell! On the fifth day I was crying at my mum begging her to help me, I was twitching I had horrible intrusive thoughts. It was really frightening & took me a few days to get over it.

19-03-16, 18:26
Yeah, going cold turkey is no fun. Im sure that some people can handle it fine, but everyone is different.

19-03-16, 19:03
A few people on here said it was strange that she'd told me to go cold turkey but I thought I'd do as I was told.
Never again!!

19-03-16, 19:13
Yeah, you would assume that only being on them a month wouldnt produce withdrawal, but I had the same issue with Effexor.

19-03-16, 19:41
Is it normal to suffer from withdraws it just based on the person?

19-03-16, 19:44
Its based on the person and usually doesnt happen if you taper off slowly.

19-03-16, 21:32
Yeah it depends how long you've been on them too. If you read the Citalopram Survival Guide at the top, it's got a lot more info in x

20-03-16, 06:28
Im almost positive that I took it last night, but I was so sleepy and I cant remember for sure and I dont want to accidentally double dose incase I did take it. Going to get a daily pill holder thing to help me with this today, but.. is this going to be detrimental to building up the pill in my blood or set me back?

No, there is no chance of that.

Citalopram reaches "steady-state" in your blood plasma at just over 7 days so you have been getting a consistent in/out ratio since you reached that point.

Cit has a longer half life at 35 hours so missing one dose isn't a big deal. But never double up just in case, if you had taken the other one and forget this would actually end up being your first day on a double dose as if you were increasing your med so this can mean side effects and remember the bigger the increase, the less you may tolerate it. The Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) always explains what you should do or you can look your med up on Drugs.com which will say too.

At most, missing a dose may unbalance your blood plasma levels a little and so it may take a few days to rebalance itself but with it being a longer half life drug, you may not even feel anything. If you had done this on Ven Standard, you really would be feeling it due to it's incredibly short half life. The thing is, a drugs half life doesn't mean the other 50% is eliminated in the same number of hours as the first 50%. It's a much slower process.

---------- Post added at 06:28 ---------- Previous post was at 06:25 ----------

Why did I miss it or why do I not recommend it?
I'll answer both :)
I didn't take it for 5 days because I simply didn't want to be on it. I was feeling a bit better so I told my GP I didn't want to carry on because I didn't like the side effects & I wanted to try doing without it. She told me to just stop immediately because I'd only been on it a month.
What followed was 5 days of absolute hell! On the fifth day I was crying at my mum begging her to help me, I was twitching I had horrible intrusive thoughts. It was really frightening & took me a few days to get over it.


That should really be reported. It was obvious that GP was making a big mistake there. You never cold turkey after 30 days, you taper. I suspect it was more that you were on the lowest dose because GP's can't endorse pill splitting as the NHS has no agreed policy on it. So, GP's withdraw people based on manufacturer made dosages so they can prescribe a medication in it's whole form. With you being on the last dose a GP would normally taper down to before dropping off completely, I think this is what your GP saw and didn't stop to think that you had experienced a load of side effects starting such a low dose. This to me would say withdrawal is very likely and your GP should have known that.

I hope you are feeling a lot better now?

20-03-16, 08:44
Yeah I only have the tiny 10mg pills so couldn't have split them & done 5mg to taper off. I'm feeling heaps better now since I got back on them and won't be rushing to come off thrm again any time soon.