View Full Version : anxiety in a relationship

19-03-16, 16:20
Hi everyone.
I'm really struggling to understand/get to grips with what's going on and I need some help figuring stuff out.
Do you read my other posts then you'll be aware of my situation... I personally feel the Anxiety is my biggest issue and I'm starting to realise I've possibly had it for years.
I'd like to know how anxiety works in a relationship. My now ex partner has told me that I can be possessive and untrusting. The thing is I don't see it and I do trust her implicitly. However at times I do worry about things and then that sets my mind off on a worrying journey. I also can't help saying things. Ie were going through a separation and I'm struggling to deal with it. I know it's tough for her because of the situation but she has not told anyone at all so is bottling it up. She then lashes out at me. Instead of me keeping my distance I'll sit there worrying about the things she's said and eventually they play on my mind that much I have to say how I'm feeling. This then goes down like a lead balloon.
I feel like I'm at my wits end and no one knows what I'm going through.

So anxiety in a relationship how does it work?

19-03-16, 17:24
It is hard, I am fortunate to have a caring hubby who kind of gets it. In my most anxious states I tend to go all quiet then will just want cuddles from him, this then prompts him to ask why and to keep going until I eventually break down and tell him, once he knows it never seems so bad. There is also another member on here who has helped me deal with my bad periods recently.

No two things will work the same though it is about finding a way that you and your partner can get through your anxiety. Talking helps and getting things in perspective has helped me loads. It is natural for all couple to have highs and lows in a relationship, try to not allow the lows to consume you accept them for what they actually are which is a slight dip and you will get back to your previous ways soon enough.


19-03-16, 17:51
Thanks Clare. The only thing is, is that this has gone on for ages and I've only just discovered the possible reasons behind some of my behaviours.
It's Coke to late and she is adement its over... She's not or prepared to listen or understand, which is unusual for her. Sorry to say the relationship looks like it's gone 😞