View Full Version : I feel like something is wrong. Strange symptoms.

20-03-16, 05:38
I have been having major back issues for a few years now. but it has been getting worse. Some days it is beyond painful on my lower back. Most of the days I can not even walk around for less then an hour before my back starts hurting. Like someone is reaching in and grabbing hold of my spine and squeezing and tugging. That is the best way I could possibly describe how it feels every day. My back always needs to be cracked. I can lean back over something that is pressed to my lower back and there is a loud pop. I feel much better afterwards but it doesn't last but maybe 10 minutes sometimes less before it begins hurting once more. I have also been having odd bathroom problems. Like clock work when I have to use the restroom(poop).And alot of the times it is alot throughout the day. But the main thing that worries me is the fact that I bleed from my anus. There will be times when I am going for a walk or out taking care of things and I feel wetness on my anus that because annoying. i go to the bathroom to wipe and it is a light,very light red shade of blood that seems to have come out. I am worried :/