View Full Version : Bit of a 'clearout'

04-03-07, 17:08
Wasn't sure where to post this so it's going here.

As it was a lunar eclipse yesterday I did a ritual (I'm Pagan) and the energy that came frm it was overwhelming. Not sure this has anything to do with what I just did but it probably has. I just took a scooby doo poster off my bedroom wall. OK you can stop laughing now. I'm 31 and I still had a poster of scooby doo on my wall. Also I had a hat with flowers on. A big straw hat with big yellow flowers on that resembled one I wore as a child. I looked at it and I thought...they've got to go. It just felt rediculous holding on to those things and I felt like I was holding on to a part of my childhood I should let go of. Like part of me wanted to still be a little girl so I took them down. It feels funny and it wasn't easy as crazy as that might sound but I did it and I'm glad I di it. My life has changed and I have changed so much with it over the past month I can't begin to tell you and I feel it's time to get the real me working. I feel like I've never been the real me as I've been so bogged down with depression and anxiety and other probelms but now I feel the real me is wanted to get out. She's finding it hard as the life she's come into is the one mapped out by the old me and she doesn't like it one bit and it's very frustrating because she wants everything to be as she likes it all at once but it doesn't work like that so she has to be very patient but I hope we're getting there. I say we as there's till a small part of the old me lfe. Been terrified today. Shaking and trembling and jumping and twitching but I know that part of me wil die too and the energy form that death will be transmuted for the good until all that's left is the new me. I almost feel like the new me has been living in a cave all my life just waiting to see the light. Well now the light is here.

04-03-07, 17:43
Hi Polly

Well done you :yesyes:

It doesn't sound at all strange to me. I recently had a big clear out - getting rid of a lot of stuff, giving some away, donating some to charity and binning some. I just felt the overwhelming urge to do it.

Now I think about it in a way it is similar to what you have just described. I was getting rid of some associations with my old life before I could start moving forward. It is since my 'declutter' that I have managed to start slowly turning my life around and taking tentative steps towards recovery.

I think it is natural for part of you to want to hold on to what is safe. Remaining within the panic and anxiety bubble is 'safe' in a way, because you know what to expect. It is taking steps outside of that bubble that is new and a bit uncomfortable to start with. However, each time you do this it gets that little bit easier and life has so much more to offer.

It is the little girl within you who wants to hide and shy away from life. What you are doing now is comforting her and reassuring her that you and she will be ok and life has a lot to offer you.

Karen x

04-03-07, 18:44
Having a decluttering session however big or small is always theraputic! :D

Piglet :flowers: