View Full Version : Mouth Ulcer Help Me Please

20-03-16, 12:33

First time seeking out a forum like this. I am pregnant and suffering with a mouth ulcer on my gum that just won't go away. It's on my gum is completley painless and doesn't "taste" like an ulcer if you understand what I mean.

I am so anxious about this my current thought process is "I have cancer. They are going to make me terminate the pregnancy to treat the cancer. It will be too far along and I will die anyway." Please help me. I am driving myself crazy.

20-03-16, 12:47
Hello & welcome :)
I think you know that it isn't anything sinister really, but just need some reassurance. Have you suffered with anxieties about your health before? Lots of people on here have similar worries. I do the same style of thinking as you - run away with it until I convince myself it's the worst possible outcome. It never is!
Can you get an appointment with your GP tomorrow?

20-03-16, 12:55
Yes I suffer with anxiety- always over mouth ulcers. I know what you are saying is rational and you are probably right but what if it is bad?

A quick google of painless mouth ulcers tells you it's cancer :( I can't see a doctor tomorrow as I am working, but will try and see my dentist on Tuesday. I worry they are sick of seeing me now though!

20-03-16, 12:58
A quick google of anything will show that it's cancer!
My boyfriend gets ulcers a lot, always painless and always when he's run down. I always get them when I do long stretches of nightshifts - I think some of us are just prone to them.

20-03-16, 13:11
So honestly, you think painless ulcers are okay? I am so scared- I have had this ulcer a while and all the other ones that were on my gums have gone but this one. It hasn't even faded. I am so scared.

20-03-16, 13:30
I do think it's nothing :) especially since you get mouth ulcers frequently -it's not like it's a random lump out of nowhere x