View Full Version : Not again!! Periods this time, convinced the c word

20-03-16, 16:28
Guys, please tell me this can be normal and not always that nasty word!! Sorry but it's a bit of an essay :ohmy:b

I had an abnormal smear many years ago, all removed and had check up every year for 5 years. Then at final one in Aug 2013 everything was normal besides HPV being present. They referred me for a colposcopy where they did an examination and said all was ok and I didn't need a smear for 3 years.

I am on the contraceptive pill and have been for about 15 years (I am 32 now). I have changed the make of pill once within that time period without any issues.

I have been having discharge more recently but nothing untoward, normal colour etc just appeared to be more of it, for a few months I went without a period due to having low ferritin levels but that increased after a course of iron tablets and no 'break'. I have now started back to normal with my pill but when it gets toward the time I need to have a 'break' on my pill I have noticed slight brown discharge as if to say I'm ready. This has been like this the last few periods.

I am now concerned as I had the above discharge and decided to have a break from my pill, I had a period that seemed heavier than normal but didn't last too long, this stopped and I carried on with my pill, 3 days later I realised I had period pains again and started seeing blood. Looked at my pill packet and realised I had missed one (I never do this)! So I just carried on taking them as normal and I had a short period but the brown discharge you get after seemed to last much longer. I have been fretting about an endoscopy that I finally had on Wednesday, my body went through some awful retching and I had a sore throat and back ache from it but my discharge was back to normal.

Roll on to Friday evening I laid in bed and had a period pain type cramp, this went as quick as it started. Everything ok again even as far as this morning. Been doing some housework today and nipped to the loo at lunch time and yet again I have brown discharge and the dreaded period pains!!! How can this be after literally having two periods in as many weeks?! (Haven't missed a pill this time) xx

20-03-16, 20:22
So I have been on the same pill for about 8 years and have had a lot of weird things happen like this. I was told that breakthrough bleeding or spotting (bleeding when it is not your "break" week) is pretty normal on the pill, especially if you have skipped the break in the past and not had a period. I had similar issues like you for a while and my doctor told me that any time you skip your period on purpose or change the "cycle" length it can take a few cycles to regulate again even on the pill. So if you were skipping it for a little while on purpose, which is perfectly ok, it would make sense that things are a little off right now.

I'm not a doctor or anything, but that was my experience with my doctors.

20-03-16, 20:42
Ok thank you for your reply :)

It does make sense I guess, it has been pretty messed up a bit. I wonder if maybe when I had missed the pill I should have had another full 'break' and not just carried on taking my pill x