View Full Version : Still got my life on hold

20-03-16, 17:35
I've been worried about Lymphoma/leukemia since mid December.
I've had a Mri on my spine and a KUB cy scan ( for something unrelated)
Two full blood counts...last one was last week...both normal.
I have no swellings, but I have a few red spots inside my cheek, feel really flat, and have had a red sore throat for months.
Docs are unconcerned, but I just don't feel ok!
It's effecting all aspects of our family life.
....sigh 😔

20-03-16, 20:18
Well first if the doctors are unconcerned and you have had tons of tests, try to take their word for it. There are other things that can cause your symptoms. I have allergies chronically all year and always have a bit of a red throat. Red spots in your cheek can be caused by a lot of things, even biting your cheek. Do you go to the dentist for your regular check-ups? They are quite thorough and know right away if something is worrisome.

You are stuck in catastrophic thinking and it is really hard to rationalize it, but you have to remind yourself that you have talked to your doctors and been given the all clear.