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View Full Version : Breathing help

04-03-07, 18:23
Hi Everyone
I have tried the hypnosis as I said I would but it has not really helped me very much, but it may do others.

I still feel as if I am not getting enough air into my lungs, wake up feeling that I cannot breathe and 'gasping' for breath, is this normal of anxiety, I am told by the GP that it is but are begining to wonder. Have had 2 x rays and 1 x CT scan which showed nothing but perhaps they have missed something.

This breathing problem seems to be worse in the evening and can sometimes just start up and I have a job to control it.

Does anyone use a inhaler as asthmatics do? I feel that this may help me as when I suck strong mints it seems to make breathing easier.

It is so bad sometimes my wife says she is going to take me to A & E but dont know if I will be wasting their time.

I also do the 7 in and 11 out but sometimes that does not help.

Any help is appreciated I am begining to wonder if I have something that the doctors may of missed!!!


04-03-07, 18:25

Hi Tally, I find this method fantastic if I'm going through a hard time. That's the problem with anxiety, it's getting a deep breath that's a challenge. Try it and see if it works for you too.

04-03-07, 20:01
Thanks Jo I will try the method out
I will let you know how it goes

05-03-07, 04:02
I find exercise helps this, even just going for a walk.

05-03-07, 14:32
I am the same. Im ashtmatic and use my inhalers when I need to but its my breathing that starts a panic attack. I get hot and want to run out of wherever I am as I feel trapped - then my breathing goes weird and I gulp for air but cant get it in - try to distract yourself with a book or typing or something and then you suddenly realise you are breathingfine!!! Wenjoy x

05-03-07, 14:38
i find when i become focused on my breathing too much i find it hard to breath..