View Full Version : Hi there!

27-09-04, 17:01
[:I] Hi i'm new to the website, the forum and panic attacks, i've only been having them just over a week. My panic attacks are very servre but less often than there were at first, i got 17 in one day once, now i'm down to 2 or 3, but now also im gettin flashbacks of the night someone attemped to rape me. has anyone heard of this before btw? anyway im 16 on friday october 1st, and feel that im too young to be havin such bad experiences. The doctor thinks my attacks have sumthin to do with anemia, diabeties or my thyroids. but in don't know anyway gotta go.

27-09-04, 18:06
hi Emma,

Welcome to the site!! I'm sure that whatever your panic stems from, you will receive loads of support here!!

Sarah :D

27-09-04, 18:30
Welcome aboard Jigsaw

Sorry to hear about the panic attacks and even more so the attempted rape - must have been quite an ordeal for you at such a young age.

Has the doctor done any tests for these if he thinks that may be the cause?


27-09-04, 18:43
HI there, welcome to the site. You'll get so much support here.

A close friend of the family tried to rape me last year, thankfully (although distressing!) his wife appeared and tried to blame me, but at least I got away. I had flaskbacks too, and it started of a patch of anxiety and depression. Are you seeing a councillor at all? I found it really helped me, as did talking to other people. I understand, its horrible, but I recovered and so can you. Just hang in there and the feelings will pass, there is a reason you are feeling this way and your body and mind may need a little time to get over it. If I can be of any help send me a PM.

Take care

Mabel (caroline)

27-09-04, 22:20
Hi Emma

Welcome to the site. You'll find a lot of support here.


27-09-04, 22:40
Hi Emma

Welcome to the site. Sorry to hear about your ordeal with the attempted rape. That must be difficult to deal with.

Sorry too about the panic attacks. You'll get a lot of help and support here.


28-09-04, 12:42
Hi Emma

Welcome to the site. Youll find a lot of helpful advice here. The fact you are young means you will be able to sort this out sharpish ! You'll be fine soon.

Take care

28-09-04, 13:25
Hi Jigsaw

:( sorry to here what you went through in the past and what you are going through right now.

welcome to the site there are lots of nice people here who will give you lots of support.


Jill xxxx

28-09-04, 13:26


Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

28-09-04, 23:32
Hi Jigsaw

A lot too take on at your age and so sorry you are feeling so bad.

the doctor may be right, but you are probably suffering from extreme anxiety which is hard to cope with and you think it will never end but you have found this site and you will get all the support you need.

How are you feeling now?

Love Sal xxxxx

29-09-04, 14:17
thanks for being so supportive! as for some of your questions, the doctor has taken blood to do tests and i get the results in about 2 an a half hours, so i'll find out then. I'm feeling okoay just now, on monday when i found this website i was felling really depressed and i just wanted to end it (at least it would stop the attacks). But one of my good friends, danny, he helped me through, i don't see him very often as he stays in liverpool and i stay in scotland, but he was on the phone all night and then he was msn talking to me and he was txting me during the night to make sure i didn't do anything stupid. i didn't kill myself but i did self harm. right now im still kinda depressed but not as bad, danny will always be there if i need him, and hopefully all of you's will too. xxx

29-09-04, 14:27
Hi Emma

I'm sorry you've had a tough time but it's great that you've pulled though with the the support of Danny and this site.
The good thing about this site is that there is nearly always someone on here at any point of the day ( well night time i guess we're all in bed) but every time i've logged on there's always someone here too. Hope you get on at the doc's ok.

Goodluck and let us know how you get on.


29-09-04, 17:15
Hi Jigsaw!

Sorry to hear all youve been through. The people here are wonderful and support is always on hand! Hope all goes well at your gp's.

Good luck...Minny..xx