View Full Version : Loose bowels after antibiotics 3 months ago?

21-03-16, 14:43

I feel Im falling apart - it just seems to be one health issue after another.

My latest one is I took antibiotics in the New Year and since then Ive had loose bowels.

Ive had a stool test for infection and there is nothing.

What now?

Can loose bowels go on for months from a course of antibiotics?

Im so fed up.


Catherine S
21-03-16, 14:55
When you had your negative stool test results, did you not ask your doctor about it?


21-03-16, 14:57
I had to ring up for the results.

I will have to make another appointment to see what to do.

I just wondered if anyone else had this problem.


Catherine S
21-03-16, 15:11
I was on antibiotics about a month ago for a bladder infection and don't recall them affecting my bowel movements, but if you're anxious and worrying this could be a reason for it. Are you saying you didn't have the problem before taking the antibiotics?


21-03-16, 15:34

Yes, I only started with loose bowels since taking them.

I was going to the toilet about 5 times a day, now its only once. They are still not "normal" for me. Its still a bit loose.

When I spoke to the GP, before I had my poop test, he said the bad poops should have stopped.

I do feel quite gassy too.

Ive started taking a probiotic, which has helped slightly.

Im at a loss, can the antibiotics have harmed my "good bacteria"? Or is there something more sinister going on.

The funny thing is, whenever my hubbie is home on a Sunday, I cannot go for a poop at all and this has not changed! In my midst of going 5 times a day - I still didnt go at all when he was home!

Thank you for replying x

Catherine S
21-03-16, 15:48
That's ok, made me smile about the no poop Sundays lol! Yes, I agree that it's probably just down to the antibiotics killing of some of the good bacteria especially if they were heavy duty ones, and it's just taking your system a little while to recover, we're all different with that aren't we. It sounds like your bowel is starting to get back to normal now though. I hope you feel more like your old self soon.


21-03-16, 15:55
Thank you for your help x

Yes, even after 20 years I still have a problem pooping when my hubbie is home!
