View Full Version : Doctor called ... Worried

21-03-16, 16:53
I've been having palpitation me since I was a kid and had numerous ECGs since and all been ok. But felt they were more frequent the last month so I went to see the doc and he sent me for an ECG. They wouldnt tell me the results but let me leave ... Now the dr surgery have called to say I've to make an appointment. Got me so worried that they've now found something serious.
My last ECG was a year ago and it was normal.

Anyone ever had this?

Catherine S
21-03-16, 17:16
He could be just wanting to have a chat about what the next step is even if there's nothing organically wrong with your heart. Especially if he knows this freaks you out. I've had erratic beats and flutters for over 40 years and my last ecg was recently and was fine. I do take beta blockers now too, and they help loads.


21-03-16, 17:28
Try not to panic too much! I suffer from palpitations and after my dr took an ECG I was sent straight to hospital, after chest X-Ray's blood tests and injecting me with something to bring my heart rate down ( it was stuck at about 160 Bpm for hours and hours) they decided it was just tarchycardia and I have been on beta blockers for the past 5 months. The hospital referred me for an ECHO which showed nothing was wrong with my heart structurally and I'm just waiting for an appointment with a cardiologist: If they thought it was anything serious they wouldn't let you leave! It is really scary when your hearts pumping away but all the nurses assured me it was much more common than you would think.

21-03-16, 17:34
Thanks for the replies.

I got the call 5 minutes ago, he was calling to say my results were normal and that my heart rate was quite fast. I told him I was panicking and it went back down when I left the hospital and he was happy with that.

Got myself so worked up as well.

Catherine S
21-03-16, 17:57
Cool. Glad all is well :)