View Full Version : seriously stressed :(

21-03-16, 19:42
has anyone ever experienced lumps under the skin all over the fatty parts of the body?
i have had them for years but recently they have been causing me so much stress, ive been thinking maybe they're swollen lymph nodes?
they also go down onto my pubic area which is also a bit fatty.
i dont have any swollen lymp nodes in my neck, groin, or armpit and i dont have any other symptoms except a tight feeling in my stomach and not really feeling like eating although when i do eat i dont feel sick and im having normal bowel movements.
i thought i had a low range fever but everytime i have taken my temp its been no higher than 36.8.
i have been the drs who has felt my stomach for another reason & also took my temp and she told me all was fine.
my cousin has recently been undergoing tests for lymphoma and has been given the all clear but im so scared that maybe its me who has it.
any input would be much welcome xxx

21-03-16, 19:56
The lumpy fat issue! I am overweight although have lost 3 stones in last 18 months but many years ago I felt some really hard lumps under the skin on my stomach and freaked out. Then I realised that I had other hard lumps in other fatty areas as well. I asked my GP and he said they are hard lumps of fat ( fatty lumps) and totally harmless. This was 20 years ago and I still have these same hard fatty lumps in same places even though I have lost 3 stones.

21-03-16, 20:42
Thank you for your reply!! Thats what I was thinking, I just can't seem to shake this thought off. I have lost & gained weight over the years so I geuss it makes sense. the lumps lower down my tummy at the top of my pubic bone are the same size (smaller than the tip of my finger) but now theyre a little bit sore, do you think that will be from poking at them?

21-03-16, 20:45
Same thing here. I have at least 10, my dad and sister have many as well. I've been told more will appear as you age. I was told mine were Fatty Lumps or Subacious Cysts. In my experience, they hurt when poking and proding.

21-03-16, 20:48
Thank you Nick! I have a lot of them, I haven't counted but id say about 15 on my abdomen & a few on the insides of my thighs. I have googled and googled for days & everything is coming back with the same answer but its just so easy for the mind to forget & keep searching for another answer!

21-03-16, 21:00
My Dad says he's about 40. Ive been worried about them off and on since I started on this Anxiety kick, though. I know how you feel.

21-03-16, 21:02
Its hard trying to figure out if its anxiety or something underlying!
I just feel so scared

21-03-16, 22:06
Anything prodded and poked hurts! I get referred nerve pain from my damaged spinal discs and its often into my abdomen. I then tend to rub the area and every single time I do this the next day I have a really sore tender area for a few days like a bruise just from gentle rubbing.

21-03-16, 22:14
I'll try not to poke for a few days and see if it eases. I have no pain other than in the areas Ive poked at the most.
Would it be possible to feel the lymph nodes in my stomach?

---------- Post added at 22:14 ---------- Previous post was at 22:12 ----------

Or in the abdomen in general?

21-03-16, 22:18
I'd guess no. Look up Lymph Nodes, if you look at the images, you can see where they are most likely to be felt.